Midnight Intrigue

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Ghost stepped out of his room, the clock striking midnight, shrouding the base in darkness. Alejandro, Rudy, Gaz, and Soap were all gathered on the other side of the base, enjoying drinks and camaraderie. This created the ideal window of opportunity for Ghost to retrieve the file he sought.

As he made his way to Alejandro's room, Ghost found himself passing by (y/n)'s quarters. He couldn't resist the urge to pause and steal a glimpse inside. The room remained impeccably neat and orderly, a reflection of her meticulous nature. The faint lingering scent in the air was distinctly (y/n)'s, triggering memories within Ghost.

He inhaled deeply, letting the familiar fragrance wash over him. It carried him back to a moment in time, a memory he couldn't help but replay in his mind—the kiss they had shared. However, that tender recollection was swiftly eclipsed by the harsh reality of their last encounter, a crossing of paths that had ended on a far less amicable note

The Lieutenant couldn't deny the truth to himself: he missed her. Her sharp wit, clever retorts, and quick thinking had earned his admiration, and he had come to find a certain comfort in their interactions. With a final lingering glance around (y/n)'s room, Ghost sighed, the weight of his longing palpable. Then, with a heavy heart, he stepped out and closed the door behind him.

Ghost's skillful lock-picking ensured he entered Alejandro's room without a sound. Inside, the room appeared as simple as the others, containing just a bed and a dresser. His instincts guided him to check the dresser, specifically the second drawer. Ghost shifted the underwear aside to reveal a nondescript vanilla file hidden at the bottom. He carefully retrieved the file and examined its cover, noting its thickness and weight, which hinted at a long service history. Memories of the first time he had glimpsed (y/n)'s file flashed through Ghost's mind; it had contained only her name, codename, and callsign. Now, this file held the potential to uncover deeper secrets.

With cautious precision, Ghost returned everything in Alejandro's room to its original state. He then exited the room, locking the door behind him. Back in the privacy of his own quarters, he switched on the lamp and settled on his bed, his fingers gently tracing the contours of the file. It was a silent, tense moment, with the weight of hidden truths and mysteries pressing upon him.

Ghost carefully examined the file labeled "(y/n) 'Specter' Keller," its pages holding the secrets and history of the enigmatic (y/n). The paperclip on the front secured three photographs. The first depicted (y/n), holding a motorcycle helmet, capturing a glimpse of her in a more casual moment. The second showed her next to an A-10 airplane, a nod to her piloting skills. But it was the third picture that struck a chord with Ghost. In it, (y/n) was surrounded by several individuals, their faces unfamiliar to him. They all wore matching uniforms, and (y/n) stood in the center, with Phillip to her right. Their right shoulders bore the insignia of the Shadow Company. What stood out the most was the genuine happiness radiating from (y/n) in these photos, a stark contrast to the mystery that shrouded her present.

Ghost couldn't help but wonder about the stories behind these images and the emotions they concealed. The glimpses into her past hinted at a more complex and layered (y/n) than he had ever imagined.

As Ghost hesitated with the file in his hands, he knew that opening it was a step into the unknown, a plunge into the depths of (y/n)'s secrets. There was a sense of finality in this moment, no turning back once he delved into the pages before him. The need to uncover the truth, to understand what she was concealing, propelled him forward. With a deep breath, Ghost resolved to face whatever revelations lay within the file.

With that resolve, he flipped open the file and began to read, the secrets of (y/n)'s past slowly unfurling before him.

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