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Just when I thought my day couldn't possibly get any worse, the universe had to prove me wrong. Work had been...exhausting today. Well, it was always exhausting having to deal with a bunch of know-it-alls and pompous assholes that thought they could do my job better than I. What would I give to have one day with just normal, easy-going costumers! Sadly the only people that seemed to be visiting our small town archive were over forty, racist, narrow-minded upper class individuals that either had to nitpick about everything I was doing or demanded to see my qualifications - because heaven forbid a black woman under thirty had an actual valid degree in history and knew what she was doing. Still, I loved my job. I was wholly underpaid, overworked and no one ever thanked me for my hard work but I loved being surrounded by history. Every document, picture, record told a story, one that I was itching to explore. Plus, someone had to do the job. For all their nitpicking and threats to get me fired because I apparently wasn't qualified for such highly important work, no one wanted to step into my shoes and take over. Without me Mystic Falls would have no town archive and all the records would collect dust in a random storage room and fall apart due to ink corrosion or worse, mold, because apparently no one in this godforsaken town knew anything about how to properly store archive material. Not to brag or anything, but the town archive had come a long way ever since Richard Lockwood proclaimed it as my realm three years ago. Though I wasn't sure if it was due to my impressive qualifications or my...physical attributes. Apart from a few lewd comments and uncomfortable stares he left me alone. Probably because a very drunk and fearless Jenna threatened to castrate him should he ever dare to touch me at a founders party a few years ago. It had been quite an awkward situation with Carol Lockwood and all the important members of the founding families, aka Mystic Falls' royalty, within earshot, but it certainly left an impression. Unfortunately Mayor Richard Lockwood had found his tragic end in a mysterious fire that had broken out on Founders Day a few weeks ago and now his wife Carol pulled the shots in this town. She was a lot stricter and more controlling but I would manage. I always did. Even if she liked to rope me into helping at events like the Lockwood masquerade tonight.

Serving drinks and food wasn't the most glamorous job and certainly not how I envisioned my perfect evening program, but it helped to pay the bills and food for the twins and me. Money and well paid jobs were hard to come by when you lived in a town full of narrow-minded, racist conservatives that apparently got off on belittling twenty nine year old black single mothers whose only fault in life had been to fall for the wrong guy and being born as a descendant of slaves. I had a social security number and a degree in history dammit! Moving wasn't an option. Too expensive. Here in Mystic Falls I had a roof over my head and I had Jenna Sommers, my best (and at this point pretty much only) friend since preschool. We pretty much grew up as sisters and were joined at the hips. I couldn't imagine being separated from her. So no, I wouldn't leave, even if this town hated me.

It was already close to midnight when my shift finally ended and I could go home. The party still was far from over, but some guests had already left - Elena Gilbert fell into the latter category. As my tired feet made their way to the parking lot, I spotted Jenna's niece walking to her car, a phone pressed to her ear. I frowned at her causal jeans and shirt attire. I could have sworn I saw her sporting a black dress at the party. Did she change clothes? Strange.

As I stepped closer I could hear her talking to the person on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, you can drive her home. I'm just gonna go straight to bed. Okay." She ended the call and in the next moment a masked man appeared from behind her. My eyes grew wide and suddenly I was very much awake.

"Elena, run!"

I tried to warn her but it was too late. The masked man grabbed her and pressed a cloth on her nose. She struggled in his iron grip, trying to wiggle herself out of his arms, but the man was stronger. I stood there in shock, my mind racing, trying to comprehend what was happening. Elena was getting kidnapped. I had to do something, anything. I would never forgive myself if something happened to Jenna's niece.

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