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I keep throwing glances at Mr. Thorne as he is busy in his office. Since he confronted me about my identity and told me that i work for him. He hasn't said anything else. He has ben silent and too civil with me around Cassandra and she thinks that my seduction is working. While on my side i am disturbed and i fear for whatever he is planning in silence.

Working for Cassandra appears to be much easier than working for her husband; her style is threats, while his is silence. A very powerful weapon, it can drive you insane as you wonder what he is up to. You become paranoid and lose trust in everything around you.

"Kat? Can i call you Kat?" I turn to find Clara on my desk.

I silently stare at her, "No you may not," I inform her.

She pouts pretending to be disappointed, "And i thought we were now close." She says.

I shake my head, trying not to look at Mr. Thorne in front of the office canary. "What exactly do you want?" I've lost track of how many times I've asked her that.

"Inviting for drinks again." She says.

"Trying to get me drunk to spill my secrets." I laugh sarcastically.

She laughs nervously, "No, we enjoyed your company last time."

"I didn't, your group of friends is nosey and judgmental."

"They are not my friends, just co workers."

"I drink only with friends." I tap on my mouse and keyboard when i realize that my desktop has gone to sleep. I look around at the load of work that Mr. Thorne has piled for me. I have no idea how to work around most of it and he expects it done by evening. I can't quit as he claims he owns me, i can't complain but obey whatever he says. "Actually..." I say to her.

She looks at me hopeful, awaiting eagerly to what i am bout to say, "What department are you again?" I ask her.

"Accounting?" She says excited.

"That means you are good at assistant things?" I ask.

"By assistant things, you mean personal assistant?" She rephrases it.

I nod.

"Wow? how did you get hired?" She asked with genuine surprise.

"I slept my way to this position. Will you help me or not?" I can't believe that i am asking Clara help with my work when on my first day she tried to get me fired. It is ironic, but i can't think of anyone else they are all worse while she is just bad.

"Does that make us friends?"

"Never gonna happen."

"Alright, i will help just because you fascinate me." She says, her face lighting up. She must be thinking i will be sharing my life with her.

"We can start at lunch break." I inform her.

She leaves my desk all happy and singing to herself. When i turn to Mr. Thorne his attention is on me. He lifts his hand and waves at me to go over.

I sigh and walk over to his office, this time i knock. I have trying to be on my best behavior.

"You called me sir?" I say in the most innocent voice i can muster.

He takes his time to acknowledge my presence, he finally lifts his head and looks at me, "This is a professional setting not a rumor monger house." He says.

I take a deep breath when my rebellious side is riled, It begs to be released and make a sassy remark. I breath out and maintain a calm face, "It won't happen again sir." I reply.

I swear i see a smile on the corner of his mouth. He must be celebrating he has the upper hand and has me where he wants me to be.

"Have you completed any of the work i gave you?" He asks.

The devil really doesn't want me to go to heaven, he gave a work load worth two weeks and with my incompetence, make that three months.

"Not yet." I say.

"And i though you will surprise me." He double speaks and that finally just breaks me.

"Now that the mask is off, you know those papers Cassandra brought you are as fake as the claws on my fingers, and you know I know shit about being an assistant. Overloading me with work will have no effect. But if you give me some time, I'll figure it out. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with a cow you brought to the river but can't force to drink water."

"At the very least, we agree on what you are?" He taunts me.

"Are you calling me a cow?" I ask annoyed that he took my saying literally.

"Did i?" He gives me a hard stare.

I grit my teeth and turn around.

"I didn't say you can leave."

"Is there anything more i can do for you sir, i have a lot of work." I say.

"I'll give you a week to prove to me that you can be teachable, dependable, and that you can do something good with your life other than destroying others Karma,." He states.

"Can i go now?" I ask.

"Not yet." He says standing up and clicks on the remote on his table turning the glasses translucent such that no one can see what is beyond the glasses.

I try not to overthink that maybe he wants to sleep with me or why would he lock us here?

"You remember that i told you that you work for me?" He asks.

how can i forget?

"Yeah," I nod.

"Come closer, you were never shy before." He says to me.

I shake my head, "No." I cough, "I am not having sex with you." I say blankly.

"I didn't say anything about sex, i have already done that with you and it wasn't all that." He says.


"I will not stand here and and have you insult me," I say.

He is infuriating and all i want is never to see him again. I should have never gotten involved with Cassandra.

"Okay, i will come to you." I stand frozen as he comes to a stop in front of me.

"Kiss my neck and make sure you leave your lipstick on the collar." He instructs and my eyes widen with questions. "My wife wanted you to seduce me, i want her to know that you succeeded." He explains.

I still don't act.

"Do it!" He orders and and tip toe since today i am wearing just toms. I first smell his scent, it sends flashbacks to mind of that night. I breath out and gasps. I place a small kiss on neck and move my lips to his collar making sure to stain his pristine while shirt. When i pull back, Mr. Thorne is just frozen. So it is not just me that felt that electric pull filled with lust.

"Leave now!" He finally speaks.

Chapter 28 is now available at Inkitt

Username: Ivybrown179

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