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Mr. Thorne and I both agree that I should return to the house, alone and at separate times, to heighten Cassandra's suspicions. She's anticipating us to come back together, but by keeping her guessing on who was kissing Mr. Thorne over the phone, we're certain to drive her to madness. I wanted to confront her, but Mr. Thorne insists that the longer she believes he's unfaithful, the more advantageous it is for us.

Cassandra greets me with a bright smile, and I force myself to return it. "Katerina, darling, how lovely to see you!" She pulls me in for a hug, and I can feel the tension in my body. "Janice, pour us some drinks, won't you?"

Janice, her personal assistant nods and begins to mix cocktails behind the bar, while Cassandra leads me to the plush seating area in the living room. "So, Katerina, how was the funeral?" she asks, sipping on her drink.

I take a deep breath and plaster a smile on my face. "It was eventful. Thanks for asking." I pause, trying to gather my thoughts. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Thorne."

Cassandra's eyes widen, and I can tell she's caught off guard. " What do you mean?" she asks, her tone slightly defensive.

I decide to play it cool for now. "Oh, nothing too serious. Just some minor details, he finally coming around but i still feel like he is holding himself back." I take a sip of my drink, trying to hide my growing anger.

Janice interrupts us, bringing over a plate of hors d'oeuvres. "Here you go, ladies. Some snacks to nibble on."

Cassandra thanks her and she leaves the room.

"I thought things were going well, i accidentally heard both of you earlier," She says, referring to when i intentionally let her overhear our inmate moment with Mr. Thorne when she called him.

I try to keep my focus on the conversation, but my mind keeps drifting back to Cassandra's lies. How could she do this to me? I had trusted her completely.

I can feel the anger boiling inside of me, fueled by her lies and betrayal. She thinks she can take me for a fool and spit on a cause I have devoted myself to. This cause represents everything I stand for, yet she has dragged it through the mud with her deceit. I can feel her eyes on me, and her smile only fans the flames of my fury. My hands tremble with the urge to encircle her neck and squeeze the air from her body. I cannot help but imagine ways to make her suffer for what she has done to me. Every fiber of my being is consumed by hatred towards her, and I struggle to keep it in check.

I try to suppress a smirk as I face her. "What do you mean you heard us?" I ask, hoping to sound convincingly surprised.

"It is you who was kissing my husband on the phone, isn't it?" she accuses, her voice attempting to sound calm, but her eyes betray her unease.

I meet her gaze with a cool smile. "We've been making progress, but I am yet to kiss him," I clarify, enjoying the power of manipulating her perception of reality.

Her head turns into wheels, spinning with confusion and suspicion. I relish in the thrill of it all, reveling in the knowledge that I hold her in the palm of my hand.

"Ava," she mutters, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have to remove her from the picture," she says, her desperation now palpable.

I give her a sly smile. "Don't worry," I assure her. "I have my charms."

I take another sip of my drink.

I shift the conversation, desperate to find a chink in her armor. "How is the baby? Do you know the gender yet?" I inquire, carefully studying her every body language for any sign to use it against her. She is a master at keeping her composure, but I won't let her slip away this time.

She smiles, placing her hand on her belly. "The baby is okay, and I love a little mystery," she says, her voice warm and inviting.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I can't believe she is still trying to keep up this charade. I press on, hoping to extract some useful information. "Mr. Thorne must be ecstatic to be a father again," I say, trying to coax her, hoping she will say something and i won't feel so used maybe then i can be on her side.

She purses her lips and looks at me with a hint of sadness. "I haven't told him yet," she admits, her voice heavy with emotion.

"Why?" I ask pretending to be clueless as she spins her web of lies. It is probably because she has been the one cheating.

"I want it to be a surprise and you can't tell him." She warns.

Too late. I think.

Janice returns, "I will see you tomorrow," She tells Cassandra.

They exchange a small talk before she leaves. It is strange how close they are and it intrigues me.

"I wish i would be that close with my boss." I jab.

She smiles, "She is more that an assistant, she is family." She says. "Cousin to be precise," She adds.

"It must be great to have someone you can trust, it is so hard these days." I direct the last part at her but she is oblivious.

"It is. She is the only family i have." She says just as Mr. Thorne arrives. He has changed from his earlier suit into another one.

When Cassandra see him, she gets angry and refuses to acknowledge his presence. On his arm he has a banquet of flowers and a box. The textbook move of a cheater, gets caught, buys present. I read the room and feel like i am an intruder and decide to free myself from it.

No sooner do i take few steps than they Cassandra starts to shout at him, "Who is she?" She shouts.

That woman should earn her acting award already.

"I guess you are now part of the family," I turn to Luna, she is in her night clothes.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop." I say to her.

"Either way with their shouting you will hear everything not out of your own will." She states.

"You should go back to sleep," I say.

"This house is haunted, it will eat your soul and keep you awake." She replies.

I chuckle.

I'm surprised by her words. Mr. Thorne had repeatedly insisted that he wasn't having an affair, but Luna seems convinced otherwise. Could they both be lying? Am I just a pawn in their game? The uncertainty gnaws at me, and I feel a sudden pang of regret for getting involved in their messy lives.

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