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In the morning I wake up to the scent of burning eggs. Jenny! I swiftly jump out of bed, hastily put on the clothes I wore yesterday, and rush towards the kitchen.

"You are a hazard," I say as I find Jenny attempting to salvage the charred eggs in the pan, and my eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"They are still good," she says.

I can't help but chuckle at the scene before me. "Well, I see you've managed to turn breakfast into a work of art. Should we hang it on the wall?"

She gazes up at me, sending me a death glare. Jenny fired the latest help, and my father has had enough of her. He told her she would be responsible for all the housework, and in a moment of defiance, she said she would prove to him she can. Well, she is failing.

She takes a bite from the eggs. "Well," she says with a teasing smile, "it's certainly an interesting flavor. A bit... smoky."

I attempt to hide my smile. We have never gotten along since my father married her and a lot of factors played into that. She is the same age as me, my father treated her better than he ever done with me, and I just didn't like her. However, last night she welcomed me warmly, prepared a room and bed for me, and even left a glass of water beside my bed.

A thought crosses my mind, and before I can give myself a chance to rethink it, I speak. "You know, we can go out and have breakfast," I suggest, waiting to be turned down.

She stares at me, and I can tell she didn't expect me to suggest that. "Sure. Let's go," she says.

"I don't have changing clothes. Would you mind lending me yours?" I ask.

She nods.

An hour later we are driving around looking for a suitable place to have breakfast. My father left for work earlier and Jenny's son already left for school. She stops outside Cafelatta coffee house. I have never been here before or heard of it. The ambience is welcoming.

"Their cupcakes are to die for," Jenny says.

I am not a sweet tooth person but it is just a one time thing.

Jenny leads the way to a cozy corner booth, and we settle down on the plush cushioned seats. Their service is quick as a waitress comes over to take our orders.

"What is going on?" She asks as soon as the waitress leaves.

"Did my father put you to this?" I ask eyeing skeptically, why her sudden interest in my affairs.

"No, i am just concerned. Those are serious accusations." She stares at me without blinking.

"They are and i am innocent." I answer.

"How did you even end up tangled with these people?" she asks.

I explain to her how Cassandra approached me to seduce her husband and how everything from there went down hill fast, leaving out that i am Karma. After i am done her mouth is hanging open just like my father's was last night as i explained.

"There are really sick people walking among us," She says and i feel embarrassed that i even agreed to it, i am as sick as they are.

"Who could be framing you?" She asks.

"Maybe one of them or both of them." I shrug. I no longer know what is real and not.

Our breakfast is brought. I asked for a Latte and red velvet cupcakes while Jenny ordered a classic breakfast platter, complete with scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and a side of toast. She places the order in front of us in two rounds and we are again left alone.

"What happens now?" She asks.

"Probably jail." I say. They are powerful and wealthy. My father's richness can't come close to theirs or save me. If at all he offers to.

"You shouldn't give up that quick." She says and appears thoughtful. "I know a guy who knows a guy that can trace where that money in your account came from." She says.

My father did reveal to me that the property in my name he acquired them for me years ago. It is surprising that never once did he ever tell me about it while i have lived like an homeless person most of my life.

"How do you know such kind of a person?" I ask.

"We all have a past," she cryptically responds.

Just as I am about to speak, an email notification grabs my attention. My curiosity piqued, I open it to find a message from a stranger claiming to have information that could help me.

"What has you so surprised?" Jenny asks, noticing my reaction.

"Someone says that they have information that could exonerate me." I state.

"Is that not a good thing?" She asks.

I am still confused, "I don't know what to trust anymore." I state.

"Well let's go and meet them." She suggests.

Shaking my head, I respond, "I can't trust anything right now."

She puts her knife down, "There is nothing that can go worse from the present. Just go." She says.

I nod and take a bite from my cupcake.

Slowly, I make my way through the corridors of my father's company. A few heads turn as I pass by, but the news of my predicament has not yet reached the media. Only those close to me, Mr. Thorne, and Oliver are aware of the situation. Unfortunately, I am banned from visiting Oliver at the hospital.

Memories of my childhood spent running around this place flood my mind, it pissed the shit out of my father.

As I approach his office, the sounds of voices in argument grow louder. I gather my courage and push the door open, only to be met with the face of my ex-husband.

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