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Katerina Pov

I arrive at the Thorne's residence late in the evening, stepping through the front door with a mix of anticipation and caution Earlier Cara and her family barred me and the media from accessing Oliver's room at the hospital. She seems not to be a fan, i can't blame her. She is the one that brought up Oliver and i understand her need to protect him and if circumstances would change i would do the same.

After our steamy session in Mr. Thorne's office. We both left together giving the entire building something to talk about. Of course they pretended not to care as we left but their glances were enough to know that work wouldn't be done that day. Cara viewed him as family and by default he was left at the hospital as they waited for police report.

As soon as i walk in i find Cassandra with a drink on her hand. By now i know she is aware of what transpired at the office. She is a woman of means, i presume she has her minions around that report to her.

"You came alone?" She asks, her expression blank.

I nod, trying to escape her prying gaze. "Cara and her family needed some privacy," I say attempting to flee from her.

"Join me for a drink," She requests and i eye her with suspicion, and yet join her.

I settle uncomfortably on the couch and she walks to where the drinks her and pour me some. She returns and hands me it. What if she has poisoned it? I hold it carelessly with the intend of letting it fall, but i fail to achieve that.

"What is the occasion?" I decide to delay tasting my drink. Which is a first since i have been trying to stop drinking.

"A job well done." She says with a sly look.

"Tell me more?" I try to sound interested in what she has to say.

"I now want you to end what you have with my husband," she says.

I put the drink away and give a puzzled look, "Why? My work is not yet done." I answer.

"It is done. Now break his heart before he does first." She continues to drink as i recall that she is pregnant.

"Is it safe to drink in your condition?" I ask her, catching her offgaurd.

She gives me a convincing smile, "Of course. I used to drink with Luna too." She waves her hand.

I decide to leave the issue altogether. I am not a doctor and she knows what's best for her kids, unlike my mother. I bury the though of her away. I am so done with my mother.

"Like i was saying, end it." She says.

"How?" I ask curious.

"Set up a meeting over the weekend and while at it, drop the bombshell." She advices.

"That's all? What about his other mistress, Ava?" I ask.

"Turns out, it was a case of unrequited love and Christian didn't feel her that way. So, that problem solved itself."

"But he is not in love with me. The plan we had will be all for nothing." I state. I am still confused and i wonder why she suddenly wants me gone. I feel that i am yet to do what she asked me to.

"If he had guts to fuck you at his office. He is." She casually states.

"I am sorry, i was vulnerable." I inform her.

"He's irresistible. It wasn't out of my own free will to get pregnant." She jokes and i feign a smile.

I want to talk about Luna's father but i have no idea how to bring about the topic, "Luna must be excited to be a big sister," I say, hoping that is a good start.

"She is." She is brief.

I realize that there may not be an indirect way to ask what is on my mind. So, i might as well be straight forward. "Is Luna's father involved in her life?" I ask.

She stops drinking and looks at me, I pick my drink and take a small sip.

"He is in prison and i cut all contact with him." She says.

I really can't put up with the confusion in this house where one tells you this and the other says something different. I recall after my grandmother's funeral, Mr. Thorne did recognize Luna's father at his parking lot. I have no idea who is lying anymore.

"I am sorry for bringing out old scars," I apologize.

She ignores the topic, "More drinks?" She asks.

"No. I need some rest." I say.

She smiles, "Sure." She says.

I stand and my head feels lighter despite taking just a sip of my drink. I shake my head and will myself to my room. I get in with just one intention, find who Cassandra is and her family.

I grab my laptop, desperately hoping it can help me make sense of this foggy situation. In an attempt to regain some clarity, I quickly drink two cups of water. The cool liquid flows down my throat, a feeble attempt to sober up.

With my mind slightly clearer, I open my browser and type Cassandra's name into the search bar. To my disappointment, the results only show her involvement in various charitable works. No mention of her family whatsoever. It's as if she never existed before Mr. Thorne came into her life.

Nevertheless, I refuse to be deterred. Determination courses through me as I embark on an extensive social media search. I meticulously comb through all her profiles, taking note of her friends and meticulously examining each one for any potential leads. Perhaps, among the mutual connections, i think as i note down each one of them. The search yields no success, either way i am set to finding out who she is and where she came from.

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