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Katerina pov

I wake up, my head pounding mercilessly. It feels as if I've downed an entire beer tower, despite only taking a sip or two of my drink. My memory is hazy, and frustration bubbles within me. The effort to open my eyes seems monumental, and a growl escapes my lips, though it remains internal.

Yawning and stretching, I extend my hand to the left, my gaze fixating on the blaring alarm clock. Panic courses through my veins as I take in the digits displayed. It can't be true—I've slept through all my alarms! How? I rub my eyes vigorously, hoping against hope that this is a mere dream. But it's real. I'm late for work.

Without a moment's hesitation, I catapult myself out of bed and crash onto the floor, my knee twisting in the process.

"Ouch!" I cry out, the pain shooting up my leg as I limp towards the nearest closet, desperately searching for something to wear. Day by day, it seems my collection of clothes multiplies. I have no clue who buys them and hangs them up, but I'm not one to complain about donning designer attire. Granted, they tend to be more modest in length compared to my usual skimpy garments, but I revel in the confidence they bring and the heads they turn. It's no longer those sleazy guys who catcall and hurl insults my way when I ignore them. It is the kind of guys that say, it is on my tab and hold the door for you.

I dress fast and brush my teeth. Time is running out on me and choose to wear my make up at work. Although i have to make sure Mr. Thorne doesn't see me before that. He has never seen me without it.

Descending the stairs, I offer up a silent prayer, hoping to avoid any encounters with Cassandra. I may give away that i don't trust her. But, when has God ever answered my prayers. I find her by the door shouting at her assistant who is outside. When she sees me she offers a small smile and goes back to giving Janice instructions.

"You ate late." She accuses.

"Apparently." I answer.

"Wipe way those worry lines on your face. It is your last day after all." She waves at me.

"It is?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Your work is done. You can go back being Karma." She suggests, smiling as Janice comes back again.

"Do you need a ride?" She asks.

I nod, still shocked.

I drive is long but also feels short. Somehow i am saddened that this will be the last time i will be working in an office, while i was beginning to like it there.

I walk in the building and only whispers and side glances follow me. Cassandra has gone to her antenatal clinic while i expected her to at least come in and see her husband.

As i get closer to my desk i note the woman standing there. She turns and i recognize her. It is Cara Cooper. Why is she here? Did something happen to Oliver? She has this hard look on her face and i can tell her visit isn't a pleasant one.

"Cara..." I call out her name.

"Follow me to Christian's office," She commands and i follow her without questioning. She just has that power to make you do things.

We find Mr. Thorne seated busy on his laptop. "I have said this before but i don't like people who can't keep time." He says without lifting his head.

"You were the target." Cara informs Christian and he stops what he is doing and lifts his head. "It was your car and what happened wasn't a mere accident. The car was tempered with." She expounds.

I look at her trying to understand why i am here, she ignore me while she just stares at Christian process the information.

"Do you know anything about this?" Cara turns to me with an accusation tone.

I am taken back by her question, "Me..me?" I stammer.

"Yes, you." She is adamant with her accusation and her gaze remains unwavering on me.

"I had nothing to do with that," I defend myself and look over at Mr. Thorne to at least have my back. He gives the same accusing stare.

"I don't even know the car he was driving or have the means to do that," I desperately state.

"Really?" She huffs in disbelief, "I have had my eyes on you. Why is a woman who has more than a million dollars in her accounts, several properties doing working as a mere assistant?" Cara states and everything she just said is news to me.

Me, a million dollars or more, properties. This must be a joke. I had less that five dollars in my account. I get paid by cash, as Karma and Cassandra is yet to pay me which isn't even close to a million.

I take my phone and log into my account and the zeros in it make my head feel heavy. I don't understand. I don't remember having that money.

"The interesting part is that, there is a transaction you sent to a man that is linked with interfering with the car." She states and seems like everything slowly starts to disappear around me. what is happening?

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