13: Rebel Fortress

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Juno's pickup truck hummed along as it rounded the hillside, arriving at a medieval castle that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Its ancient sandstone walls stood in contrast to the futuristic rebel base surrounding it.

Baz's voice cut through the air, his tone hard and unforgiving. "We're here."

Toshiro eyed the scene skeptically, observing the swarms of young university students hanging around near the entrance. "This is it?" he asked, unable to keep the doubt from his voice. "These kids are supposed to be the brave army of the future, ready to fight Zo's tyranny?"

Baz looked annoyed. "What would you know?" he retorted.

"Right, I'm only a doctor...and a legend. What would I know?" Toshiro shot back.

Despite his skepticism towards the rebel recruits, Toshiro couldn't help but marvel as they approached the entrance to the castle. It felt like entering a time warp, where different worlds and eras collided. He wondered how effective the ancient doors flanked by stone towers would be against Zo's forces.

"Look, Toshiro," Baz said through gritted teeth, "they're all here fighting for the same cause. Don't judge them just because they look inexperienced."

The tension in the back of the truck hung heavy as they rolled to a stop just inside the castle walls. Ren was the first to exit the cab, her boots crunching on the gravel beneath her. She turned back toward Toshiro with a welcoming smile that cut through the unease like a knife.

"Welcome to Krak des Chevaliers," she said, gesturing towards the ancient walls around them. Then she smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can just call it the Fortress like we all do."

Toshiro stepped down from the truck. "Thanks for saving me from Baz. I don't think I could take another minute with him."

Ren smiled, then she looked him up and down before surprising him with a hug.

"Whoa, what's this about?"

Ren blushed. "Nothing, I'm just so happy you're here. I mean, you're going to like the Fortress."

"Uh...quite a team of rebels you've got here," Toshiro commented dryly, trying to keep his tone light despite his reservations. "And quite the location."

"Everyone brings something unique to the table," Ren replied, unfazed by his skepticism. "We have a lab where we produce medicine—I thought that might interest you, being a doctor and all. We also have a drone test range where I spend most of my time."

"Really?" Toshiro raised an eyebrow. "I'd love to see that someday."

"Of course," Ren said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "But first, let's get you settled in. And don't worry about food."

"No food for me, thanks. I'll just take a refill on my sugar pump."

Ren's face fell with disappointment. "Oh...well, we also have a microbrewery here. The beer is top-notch."

Toshiro's ears perked up. "Alcohol? Now that I can appreciate. I haven't tasted a pint since Luna was alive."

Ren's smile softened. "Well, then I'll bring you one later."

Toshiro was so caught up in the conversation with Ren that he almost forgot about the impending lockdown until Baz reminded him. "I hate to interrupt, but I'm getting tired. Let's get moving." Baz looked directly at Toshiro. "We have a room prepared for you."

Baz led Toshiro through a maze of corridors filled with rebels hurrying back and forth. Many of them greeted Baz as they passed by.

Curious, Toshiro asked, "Baz, how many rebels are stationed at the Fortress?"

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