chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V.! I thought as i ly on my back staring at the ceiling. I was on the floor-im too lazy to get up and lay on my bed okay. I was thinking about how i was going to talk things over with Taylor. Its risky i know, telling her how i feel even though she maybe doesnt feel the same way but maybe she does? But if she didnt that would just be awkward... Haveing to see her all the time... Yep...

I sighed in frustration and sat up. I ran my hands though my curls and tugged on them slightly then let my hands cover my eyes as i rubbed them. Im tired. I got up and headed for the door. i want some fruit loops.

I opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind me. I walked downstairs to see Taylor on the couch watching TV. My stomach fluttered. Damn butterflies. She looked over her shoulder when she heard my feet pitter patter on the ground.

"Hi" she said and turned her head back to her show. My stomach fluttered again.

"hey" i said getting a bowl from the cabnit. i noticed she was the only one in the living room.

"Where are the rest of the boys?" I asked grabbing the fruit loops from the top of the fridge where we keep the cereal and bread.

"Liam and Zayn went grocery shopping, Louis and Niall went to get some clothes and shoes" she said. i muttered an "oh" as i opened the fridge to get the milk.

"What are you doing?" Taylor asked looking at me.

"eating fruit loops, want some?" I asked looking back at her

She laughed and said "sure" i grabbed a spoon and stick it into the bowl and walked over handing it to her.

"thanks" she said. I nodded and went back to the kitchen and made another bowl for me me to eat.

I took a bite of the cereal and walked over to the couch and sat down next to her. I don't know what she was watching.

"what are you watching?" I asked before talking another bite.

"Pretty Little Liers" she said with her mouth full of cereal.very lady like. I laughed at her.

I pulled out my phone and opened a new message.

To: Daddy. Buy more fruit loops.

I tapped the send button and sat my phone down on the arm rest and continued eating my cereal.

"these girls are hot" i said randomly. Taylor looked at me and then through a fruit loop at me. It hit my nose and i yelled "OWIE!" She just rolled her eyes and turned her head back to the TV. She finished her bowl and got up to take it too the sink. I kicked her butt as she passed me. She yelped and i laughed. She sounded like a hurt puppy.

She gave me a death glare as she continued to walk. I heard the water start to run as she turned to faucet on to wash her bowl out. She placed it with the other dishes and it made a *clink* sound.

She walked back into the living room but she went behind the couch and hit my head on the way i groaned and set my bowl on the ground. I layed all the way down on the couch so i was covering it all. She groaned

"Harry, move your feet" she whined.

"Nope" i said popping the 'p'. She shrugged and then sat on my legs

"OWWW OW OW OW" i yelled in pain. "OKAY I'LL MOVE JUST GET YOUR FAT ASS OFF!" I yelled, i didnt really mean it, to be honest she was WAY more skinnier than me.

Her jaw dropped in shock that i would say that, she still didnt move.

"Ow, Taylor i was joking please move your hurting me" i said in pain. She still didnt move.

I did the the only thing i could do. Sit up and pull her toward me so she would get off my feet. She landed on my chest but the only thing i could really focus on was the pain in my legs that was slowly faiding. When the pain went away i noticed one more thing. Our position.

She was sitting in between my legs with her arms on my chest, she seemed to be consitrating on something that was on my face. "Taylor...?" I said unsure she blinked and shook her head "Huh?..." She said confused. I raised an eyebrow. She shook her head again and got off of me and headed up the stairs.

Well... That was weird?...


I finally updated guis c: 1000+ MOTHER FRIKIN READS???!! You guys are AMAZING! :D it made me so happy when i saw that you guys dont even know. I love you guys so much! :3 <3 remember to vote and comment, oh how i love reading your guys feedback c: next update will come soon kay? Thank you guys so much for reading love you!


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