Chapter 5:

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Taylor's P.O.V.

I was awoken from sleep by some kind of snapping, I thought it was my imagination so I didn't really bother opening my eyes, but soon I heard laughing and the snapping sound was much clear now... the kind of snapping you hear when a camera goes off... dammit Louis, you just had to tweet that picture picture of Niall and Liam.

"Oh, revenge is sweet" I heard Niall's thick Irish accent ring through my ears. He had another thing coming.

Before any of them could even process the fact that I was awake I quickly turned my body and flung my left arm around with me and without even thinking as to where it would land, it flung into Niall's no-no space. He let out a loud groan and fell to the ground, cupping his now in pain... Yeh know... I felt much symphony for him after I had done this. I rolled out of Louis' arms, waking him. I landed on the floor with a slight thump and crawled over to Niall and wrapped my arms around the young Irish boy, hugging him.

"OMG!!! IM SOOO SORRY NINI!!!" I said as sweet and not-knowingly as I could, he knows this incident as an accident... ha-ha.

He just lay there on the floor groaning and lightly crying mumbling 'My balls' to himself. Oh my God I felt so bad. I started petting his blond hair as I still hugged him while I kept saying I was sorry to him. After about 5 minutes of just lying there and groaning in pain, he finally stopped and sat up and hugged me back saying it was okay; his face was red and his eyes were glistening from him crying a little bit. Oh I feel so bad now .We finally pulled apart and I kissed his cheek before standing up and replacing myself back on the couch next to Louis, sitting on him stomach since he was laying down and taking up the whole couch. He didn't seem to care though.

"What did you do to him?" Louis asked from below me. I turned my head to look at him to tell him what I did but Daddy D beat me to it... douche bag.

"She nailed Niall in his balls with her arm" Liam said simply. Louis gave me a look of horror and he looked terrified, Like I was about to cut him or something?


Without even answering, I grabbed his phone, unlocked it; I was the only one who knew his pass code except for Louis himself (obviously), Harry and I. I clicked on the twitter app and sure enough, there it was, the picture of Louis sleeping and me in his arms, passed out. His head was resting against mine, his lips were parted and my face was partly covered with the duvet; my hand clutching the dark blue blanket close to my face for some odd reason, and my arm resting vertically on his chest, before I fell asleep I was sure that my arm was horizontally laying across his stomach. The picture was really adorable actually. I gave the phone to Louis and his eyes widened.

"@Real_Liam_payne Revenge is so sweet :) Love you two! @Louis_Tomlinson @TayTayHudson" Louis read the caption out loud, something I didn't do. I heard the other boys start to chuckle.

"IM PRETTY SURE THE REST OF YOU WANT BABIES IN THE FUTURE AS WELL!!!" I yelled and almost immediately the boys' facial expressions went blank and the all cupped there... yeah... and I couldn't help but laugh, I was scary when I yelled... I can thank my mother for that...

Mum... I love and miss you so much... never forget that.

I thought to myself as I stared into space at the ground...

How could you leave me mum? I needed you! Mommy... come back... please?

And just like that, I burst into tears, bolting off of Louis' stomach and running upstairs with tears in my eyes and making a sprint towards my bedroom door. I turned the knob with my left hand since my right hand was over my mouth. I ran into my room and threw the door closed as I ran over to my bed, clutched my comforter, pulling it off of my bed and ran to my closet. I opened my closet door and stepped inside and shut the door. I wrapped the comforter around my small body and curled into a ball in the corner of my closet; this is something I always do when I cry, always have since I could crawl. I cried and cried as memories of my mother came to mind. Suddenly, the closet door opened and I felt arms wrap around me, I didn't know who it was, I really don't think I care.

I felt safe.

I felt no loneliness.

I felt loved for the first time in a long time.

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