chapter 6:

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I was sobbing and hyperventilating, causeing the atmosphere under the comforter to become humid and hard to breathe, and i felt myself getting dizzy. Someone was still holding me. I soon wasnt able to breathe and decided it was time to see who was holding me. I removed the comforter from my face, but keeping it around my body. Almost instantly, the smell of carrots give it away.


He didnt say a word, just held me. I think he knew i was crying because of my mum, that was the only reason why i cry most of the time now. I as well didnt say a word and just sat there with my head in his chest and his arms around me, lightly rubbing my back. I loved it when Louis comforted me, he always did it a certain way, from the way my head fit perfectly inbetween his neck and chest to the way he held me to the way he lightly rubbed my back.

"Are you okay Tay?" He asked.

"I think so" i said letting go of him and sitting up straight and wiping tears from my cheeks.

"Thank you Louis" i said while leaning in towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck, his going around my waist. I kissed him cheek and pulled all the way back.

 Even though it was a little dark I could still see the smile on his face.

“You’re welcome Taylor” he said.

I leaned my back against the wall and wiped my face off with my comforter.

“I just can’t believe she’s gone, you know?” I said looking at him through the dimmed light.

“Yeah me to” he said leaning against the closet door.

“It was just so sudden I mean I never thought that something like that would happen while I’m still so young” I said pretty much blurting out the thoughts that came to mind.

“Just like Jerry…” Louis said with a sigh.

“Uhm Louis… Jerry was your fish that died when you were 12… you fed him too much” I said remembering the memory.

“HE WAS SO YOUNG!!!” Louis shouted than pretended to sob on my shoulder while I held him.

“Oh Jerry!!! Lou, remember the funeral we had for him in your backyard?” I asked him while chuckling a little.

“Yeah and how you held my hand the entire time” he said lifting his head from my shoulder, laughing a little.

“And the look on your face while you stared at his little grave, I’ve got to say that is the cutest thing I have ever seen on a little boys face” I said remembering his pouting face.

He started chuckling remembering his face and I joined in, this boy really knows how to make me laugh even through the hardest times.

Suddenly the closet door opened and Louis fell backward onto the ground lying on his back. I chuckled and looked at who opened the door. Bradford bad boy was looking at Louis as he rolled around on the ground laughing to himself.

“Am I… uhm… am I interrupting something?” Zayn asked.

My cheeks turned a little red as i shook my head ‘no’. Zayn shrugged and brought his attention back to Lou who was still rolling around and laughing. Zayn gave him a weirded out look and I nudged his leg with my foot. He suddenly fell silent and sat up looking at me, then up at Zayn, and then stood up and closed the closet door with me still in it.

“LOUIS TOMLINSON!!!” I shouted a little confused as to why he did that. No response.

“Lou?” I asked, wondering if he left me or not.

I sighed and stood up, covering the blanket over my shoulders and opened the closet door to an empty bedroom. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the door, going downstairs. The boys were making breakfast.

This should turn out interesting…


hey guys!!! :) can i get at least 15 votes for the next chapter?? cmon guys i know you can do it!!!! prove to me that you guys are loyal directioners!!! (; you guys know you want more (; love you guys!!!!! <3


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