chapter 4:

479 9 2

Louis P.O.V

What's that light? Oh My God it's so bright! Ugh... someone close the blinds. Where am i? My mind went off and started talking without my approval. I started to open my eyes but immediately shutting them because the light shining from the window burned them. i berried my face deeper into the sleeping body next to me, maybe Haz? I wasn't sure. I re-opened my eyes and backed my head up a little bit to see who was next to me. A sleeping Taylor came into focus as my eyes adjusted. Wait... Taylor?

Oh yeah, we came home last night. And had a movie night, oh! And Taylor and I went to the store and got ice-cream, treats, and soda... and crying about Miranda's death... Miranda, I always called her 'Mama' because well, she was like my 2nd mum. She was always there when I needed to talk to someone and nobody else was available. I really do miss her a lot but I know not as much as Taylor, its unspeakable how much she misses her mum and I can never pretend to know what it's like for someone who you loved more than anything to just be ripped away from you.

When we found out about Miranda's death, the boys and I were on tour, I couldn't preform that night either, I was so heartbroken it was an unbearable sight and what was worst of all was thinking how Taylor was handing it, which was not well. She was alone. In that huge house by herself, she probably cried herself to sleep that night and every night after that till God knows when, knowing Taylor. She refused to do anything for a whole week after the day of the accident; she showered every now and then but not regularly and ate very little.

Taylor stirring in my arms broke from my thoughts. I looked at her as she was fluttering her eyes open but quickly shut them when the sun's rays came into contact with her bright green eyes. She let out a groan and buried her face deeper into my chest. I let out a chuckle and placed my head on hers, nudging it a bit, only to get another groan out of her.

"Can you shut them please?" she asked in her morning voice, referring to the blinds. I let out a little hum in agreement and began to sit up, removing my arms from around Taylors back as she released hers from my stomach. I stood up and walked over to the blinds and pulled the string making them fall and then taking both of the curtains and pulling them together, the room was much darker now except for the light coming from the kitchen window. I turned around and took in my surroundings; Liam and Niall were passed out on the floor. Niall was laying on Liam's shoulder and they were sharing a duvet, I'm not even going to question how that happened but I smiled at the Niam moment. I walked over and grabbed my phone from the coffee table. I unlocked it and opened the camera app. I captured the Niam moment and sent it to twitter.

@Louis_Tomlinson Don't they just look SOOOOOOOO adorable right now!?!?! They are going to kill me when they see this later... Love to all! xx @NiallOffical @Real_Liam_Payne

I set my phone down and looked around again. Harry was cuddled up on the loveseat with a duvet over him, sleeping like an innocent little curly haired boy. I slightly chuckled and moved my eyes to Zayn who was laying in the recliner, mouth open a little bit, and his head falling off to the right of him, he as well was covered in a duvet. I looked around some more and saw the unfinished bowl of popcorn, candy here and there, wrappers everywhere and soda cans on the coffee table and single tables at the ends of the couches. I looked back at Taylor who was laying there on the couch with the duvet halfway covering her face, her eyes were closed but I know she hasn't fallen back to sleep. I walked over to her and climbed over her tiny body to where I once was sleeping. When I replaced myself under the duvet, my arms went around Taylor so that she wouldn't fall off the couch and she replaced hers around my stomach. She kept her eyes closed.

"You know they are going to kill you when they find out right?" she said still not opening her eyes.

"Yeah I know, but they will get over it" I said with a slight chuckle.

Not long after I felt Taylor's breathing start to go steady, she was asleep again... lazy girl. I felt my eyes start to get heavy and soon fall back asleep.

Ello Lovies!!!! You likea da chapter no? ha-ha Buenos Noches!!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!!! Much love to you guys! :3


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