Chapter 11

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Picture of David Beckhan because why not. His children are beautiful. Why can't I have a Beckhammmmmmmmm
The class walked in to the turf field. I saw two goals set up, each at one side of the field. "Grace take your lap and then join us in warm ups." Grace looked at the field. "Where do I run?" This girl is as stupid as a brick." I could see Coach Silva losing his patience by the vein popping out of his neck. "Run along the white lines and if I see you cut one corner you have another lap." He said through gritted teeth.

Grace huffed and began walking along the white line. "Grace! Move your legs or I will personally get my tractor and run you over!" I leaned over to Daniella. "He doesn't have a tractor right?" She looked at me with an amused look. "It was a gift from the school. So yes, he does have a tractor and he will chase her with it. It's happened before."

"And they let him work here?"

"Let's just say he keeps us in shape a has been the reason this school is #1 in the state for sports."

After the threat, Grace moved her legs a little quicker. "At least I got the little flower to do something." I heard Coach mutter under his breath.

I stifled a chuckle. The thought of Grace doing any physical activity was like believing Ian Somerhalder looks ugly. It just doesn't happen.

"Ok cupcakes! Let's see what your made of! Mark, Arron, Daniella and Lilly your team captains. Pick your poisen."

I stood on the turf field knowing fully what was going to happen. Everyone was going to be picked, one after another leaving me as the last pick. It was middle school all over again.

Mark scanned the crowd until his eyes landed on me. One very confusing word slipped past his lips. "Casey." I gave him a death glare as I walked silently towards Mark. Everyone's eyes were on me, the first pick. If looks could kill, Mark would be a puddle of blood by now because my eyes were like daggers stabbing his back over and over again.

I stood behind Mark with a frown. "First up 2 teams we have are Daniella vs Lilly. Lilly, you get the black penny's"

At least That gave me time before my impending death. The other non playing team sat with us on the bleachers. "These games will be clean or you will be forced to sit down. Each game will be 5 minutes with me as your lovely referee."I heard a couple chuckles from my classmates. The whistle blew and the game had started.

Maybe I could learn a thing or two from Daniella. I watched as she moved the ball fluidly down the field, her steps quick but precise. I watched her fake a kid out and kick the ball to a team mate. I watch the game in awe. These people were hard core and Daniella was naturally talented at this. Looks like she was born playing or born to play. She had a massive amount of agility and a lot of fancy footwork that I couldn't follow. By the time 5 minutes was up, Daniella's team had won with a score of 3-1.

Daniella scored the last goal. So she and her friends started doing their own version of the whip on the field. "First let me hop out the mother ducking Porsche I don't want her if that booty don't sit like a horse!" The whistle blew signaling the stop of the god awful dance that was not meant for white girls.

"Enough trashy dancing. Arron, Mark get on the field with your teams. Arron's team take some Penny's" Ha! In your face Arron. I don't have to wear the toga of death. I was elated until I looked around and realized I knew no one on my team but Mark and Grace. "Grace get into the goal. Chase, Molly, Caroline your defense. Me, Chad and Casey will be forward." Everyone scurried to their spot. I looked over at Mark in the center with Arron with his hands on his knees, crouching over staring daggers at Arron. "Your going down A." He said with a grin on his face. "We'll see about that Wright." Arron said with a wider grin. He looked at me and winked. I felt hear creepy up on my cheeks. " Alright boys, remember a clean game. 3,2,1 begin" Mr. Silva signaled the start with a blow of his whistle and a toss of the ball into the center of the field between Arron and Mark.

Arron caught the ball on his chest and kicked it away from Mark. a boy named Brandon on Arron's team revived the ball and ran towards me with the ball. He was a big kid. 6'1 and probably 170lbs. He was expecting me to run away but I thought why not try something new. I stood my ground and remembered a weird foot move that Daniella did to steal the ball away. I started to jog towards him. Oh god. There's no going back now. 'God, please help me to not die or turn into a pancake as I charge someone 2 times the size of me. Thanks.' At least I made peace before the battle.

As I charged him I saw a look of confusion fill his face. I took that as a chance to steal the ball away. I faked a right step so he went left and I quickly turned around lunging left, feeling contact with the ball. 'Yes! God we did it!' I mentally cheered. I ran the ball away from Brendan and did a happy jump. Thank you Daniella for your amazing soccer skills that I can attempt while almost being crushed my a giant. "Casey! Stop standing there and run!" I didn't realize I was just standing in place. Embarrassment flooded my face. Oh god. They saw my happy dance.

I saw Brandon advancing towards me and that was enough to get me running again. Right left right left. I looked at the ball the whole time I had it in my possession. Right left right left rock. Oh dear. I yelped as my foot got caught on the rock. I felt myself slowly falling to the ground. I saw Arron recover the ball and then watched as Mark came up behind Arron and kick the ball away from Arron.

I got up and brushed myself up. There was a burning sensation on my knee. When I looked down I saw that my knee had a red glow to it. So this is what a turf burn felt like. I took a step and my knee burned. "Ouch." I looked at my team. I watched Brendan recover the ball and kick it towards the goal.

Since we had Grace as goalie, she was sitting down trying to tan. Brendan pulled his foot back and the ball slammed into Graces face. I couldn't help but laugh at what had just happened. "At least she can use her head for something." Mark said running towards Grace. I helped her up and explained that she had to throw it or kick it away from the goal. "But my face hurts!" I heard her whine. I wanted to say 'karma's a bitch', but she's been through enough today. I watched as she threw the ball over her head towards Mark. It went about 5 feet and rolled into Arron's path. He looked at Mark as he screamed Graces name. Arron took off sprinting towards our net. No way I'm letting him score on us. I steeled myself and sprinted. Yes I said sprinted. I ran behind him and he saw me gaining behind him. I caught up to him and he started some fancy foot work that I couldn't follow. 'Screw this I just want the ball.' I kicked randomly and then all of a sudden the ball was between my feet. I looked at Arron with a surprised look on his face.

"Bye!" I said kicking the ball towards the other goal. Out of he corner of my eye I watch him just stand there dumbfounded. I mentally gave myself a high five. "One minute!" Oh hell no, we're not ending this game in a tie. It's time to score a goal.....maybe.

I did it. Update complete! So happy! School almost over. Life is getting less and less stressful. It's great. I'm updating my books. Whoop!

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