Chapter 6

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I woke up in bed the next morning groaning in pain. Every muscle in my body was sore. "I should have taken that ice bath." I muttered to myself. I slowly pulled the covers off me and stepped on the floor. Why would anyone do this to their body?

Every movement triggered some sort of pain. Lifting my arms was a struggle when I took off my long sleeved shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Well, I'm going to die today."

After brushing my teeth and going to the bathroom, I slowly walked down the stairs. My mom was at the bottom watching me. "You look like your in pain honey." Gee, you think? I thought to myself. "Yeah, I'm kind of sore from yesterday."

"You better not have been doing anything bad at his house." "I didn't!" I said appalled at what my mom was insinuating." "Mhmmm, I can tell by the way your walking." I face palmed and my face grew red. "I didn't do anything mom!" "Whatever you say Casey. Just use protection."

"MOM!!!!!" I groaned. She wasn't helping my mood. I walked into the kitchen looking for my Honeynut Cheerios. I saw them on the top shelf and groaned. As I reached for the cereal, I felt my muscles protest. It hurt to stretch them too far. I climbed up onto the counted carefully and got the Cheerios. I looked down at the floor. "Damn." It looked far but not that far. I wondered if I jumped, would I die? Eh.

I ended up jumping down, more like falling down. Worst decision of my life. I ended up hitting my wrist on the counter and banging my butt on the floor while spilling some of the cereal from the box.

Immediately, I heard the scampering paws of Jaws as he ran into the kitchen. He started to eat the Cheerios off the ground as I sat there in pain. Hey, at least I didn't have to clean them up.

I got up slowly and walked over to the refrigerator to get the milk and a bowl. I ate my cereal and turned on the TV. I flipped through the channels until my favorite show popped up on the screen, Zoey101.

Even though they don't make new ones, it's still my favorite show. I hate the fact that the girl who played Zoey got pregnant and couldn't produce anymore episodes. She ruined my childhood when she did that. I watched Quinn's little purple bot make some annoying boys bot explode.

"What are you watching Casey?" My mom came in when the other bot blew up. "Zoey101." I replied. "You kids and your violent shows these days." I rolled my eyes and got up to wash my dishes. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine, just a little sore." I answered. She asked me that question again. Why does she think I did the nasty with Mark? Is she delusional? Her voice snapped me away from my thoughts. "Well I'll take you over to the boys house in 20 minutes. Please be ready. I have a hair appointment today." I nodded and dried my hands. "Thanks mom!" I said as I ran back to my room.

I shuffled through my drawers and came up with a marvel t-shirt and a pair of blue shorts to wear over to Marks. I looked at myself in the mirror. All I could see was Spacey Casey, but that was going to change.

I promised myself I was going to become a healthier person. I wanted to show Grace that I could change, that I wasn't someone to be trifled with. I picked up my sneakers and headed out my door. I walked to the car and got in the passenger seat. I brought my knee up and started to tie my shoes on.

The drivers door opened and my mom sat down with out looking at me. "BOO!" My mom shrieked and jumped out of her seat. I chuckled. Good one Casey. Why am I so weird?

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" My mom held her hand over her heart dramatically. "Sorry I couldn't resist." I apologized putting my second shoe on. She got in he car cautiously and started the car. As she backed out of the drive way, I turned the radio on and put it on my favorite radio station.

I' m too hot (hot damn)

Called a police and a fireman

I'm too hot (hot damn)

Make a dragon wanna retire man

I'm too hot (hot damn)

Say my name you know who I am

I'm too hot (hot damn)

Am I bad 'bout that money, break it down

Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)

Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)

Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)

'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you

'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you-- what is this junk?" My mom said turning down the volume, interrupting my jam session.

"Mommmmm." I whined. "It's call Bruno Mars." It sounds like he's saying a bad word." I rolled my eyes. "Mom he's saying funk. F-u-n-k. Not the bad word." For the rest of the ride to Mark's house, I had to explain to her why a dragon wanted to retire and why the song was popular.

We finally arrived and I jumped out of the car. "Thanks for the ride mom." I gave her a cheeky smile and waved. "Make sure you call me when you two are done!" She waved goodbye to me and drove off. I walked up to Mark's door and before I could ring the door bell the door opened. "Hi Casey!" An excited Ellie stood at the door smiling at me. "Hey Ellie! Can you tell Mark that I'm here?" She nodded and turned her head in the direction of the kitchen. "MARK! CASEBEAR IS HERE!!!!!" She screamed. I think my ears were going to start bleeding from her shrilly little voice. She turned back and ushered me inside the house.

Mark walked into the living room with his usual smile. "Is Casebear ready for some more fun today?" I rolled my eyes. "Yes, but I'm going to warn you. I'm in so much pain. Why do you do this to yourself? I can't lift my arms with out being in pain." He laughed and Ellie slapped him in the arms. "Ouch. Ellie what was that for?" He faked rubbing his arm in pain. "What did you do to Casey? Why did you hurt her?" I held in a laugh. It was so cute that she cared about me. "No, I didn't hurt her. I'd never hurt anyone intentionally. We're getting in shape. It's going to hurt in order to get in shape but once you are in good shape it won't hurt anymore." Ellie crossed her arms. "Are you sure? I don't like when my friends are hurt." She's so concerned about me. She worries more about me than my mom does.

Mark cleared his throat. "Ready to get started?" He asked me. "Yup." I smiled and got up from the couch. "Oh Casey, I almost forgot. We have to wait for someone else to get here. He wants to be trained by me for football season." Ellie clapped her hands together. "More friends!" She ran around the living room smiling and laughing, chanting about how she was going to make new friends. I cleared my throat and looked at Mark. "Who are we waiting for?"




Ok I know it was a bad chapter but it's late and I felt like writing. Don't hate me for the chapter. XD I just had to put something up.

If you did like the chapter feel free to give it a vote and comment what you think -AlphaWriter99

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