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Lucius POV.

We were training and I watched as Laguna, Clawdeen and Operetta were skating another round, but suddenly a bad feeling filled my gut. We won't be able todo it! The gargoyles will cheat, they'll do anything to beat and keep our crest! I was lost in thought until I heard a click and Claws grinned slightly ordering Robecca over to him. I suddenly saw Torelai and understood what was going on, oooooh.
As we went into class everyone cheered and I was slightly overwhelmed because I wasn't used to really being noticed, everyone just thought of me as the other choice, the one that has roseate because no one else could, but the truth is that they wouldn't be able to win without me. I said next to Abbey.

„Moo Sorry about what we said earlier.." Manny said, I think that was his name, I didn't really bother to learn his name because Ehe would always pick on me.

„We were so wrong about you.." Heath said and I raised a brow, okay? „You girls sizzle!"

„Get those Gargoyles!" Manny cheered and I rolled my eyes, thanks? Am I a girl now?

„Do I look like a girl to you?" I asked and the both of them freeze.

„Hey Lucius..we're really sorry about the things we said when you were on the team, we shouldn't have said those things.." Heath said and Manny nodded.

„You better be bloody sorry, cause I'm better then the both of you together." I said and turned back around sitting down, kinda mean, but it was the truth.

At training I could feel the energy of all the students at Monster high in me, wanting us to win, cheering for us and it was making me look forward to the game! Suddenly Robecca came and explained the girls exactly what I was thinking right now.

„We'll do good girl, don't bloody worry about those gargoyles, just skate and have fun, maybe even win.." I grinned and the girls cheered with me , giving me a high five.

After getting ready and Clawd having spoken his speech we were readier then ever! We wanted to skate. NOW! We skated outside and I put my arms up waving at the crowd and skating next to Clawdeen. Clawdeen, Abbey and I were the first skate and I was ready to destroy some asses!

The starting sound came and we immediately started skating. One gargoyle tried to ram me but I swiftly turned to the left and jumped over him watching with satisfaction as he skated against a pillar. I saw Abbey get rammed and laughed as she froze the ground behind me and the guy slipped, Clawdeen had to jump over the gargoyle.
I was fast enough to make it after the gargoyles as one of them destroyed the bridge and looked back seeing that Abbey and Clawdeen were left behind, they motioned for me to keep going and I turned back around, immediately having to dodge a ram, damn those motherfuckers! Clawd called a time out as Clawdeen fell and I immediately came to a stop, shit!
Draculaura was switched in with Clawdeena nod I gave my boyfriend a swift kiss on the check and they went back to skating.

I would be sitting the last round out because I started to feel a serious pain in my chest and took a deep breath, it coming out as cougher. The race already started and I closed my eyes.

„Do you need water?" asked Robecca and I looked at her, nodding as she gave me Clawd's bottle because I didn't bring one.

„Thanks.." I said and turned away from Clawd, he was right, I shouldn't have skated yet.

„You did good Luc.." Clawdeen said and put a hand on my shoulder.

„But I wanted to skate until the end.." I whispered, looking up into her eyes.

„I know, but you did good! There are plenty of other times you can skate till the end!" Robecca said and I looked up at her and then Clawd.

„You're right.." so we continued to watchtower three others skate. Draculaura seemed to struggle but then they pulled off their amazing trick and they got the vampire to the front! I watched with fascination as Draculaura was on the last run to the finish line, nervous about this whole thing! We need to win, you got this Girl! You got this! Draculaura GOT IT! WE WON! I jumped up and almost rolled away if it weren't for Clawd catching me, laughed and high fives all of the remaining girls, hugging Clawdeen close to me.

„We won! LET'S GOOO!" I screamed and had happy tears in my eyes.

After all the cheering we got our crest backs nod our school began to rebuild again, making everything look normal again! I was so damn happy to finally have our school back. As the gargoyles went to give us their crest I frowned, seriously?

„No! This is Crazy!" Frankie yelled and skated to the headmistress and the Gargoyles, me following suit.

„If we take your crest your school is just gonna fall apart and everyone's gonna be miserable!" I said and Frankie nodded, the gargoyle looked at us shocked.

„Why does it have to be that way?" Frankie asked and Rock looked at her confused.

„It's tradition." the gargoyle shrugged.

„Ugh, there's that word again." Frankie complained and I started talking.

„Just because something is Tradition doesn't mean it's good." I said and gave Frankie the microphone.

„Tradition said that girls couldn't play scream and that werewolves and vampires couldn't go to the same school! Those are the kind of traditions that keep monsters apart! Sports should be about bringing them together!" Frankie finished and I pushed the crest closer to the gargoyle.

„Keep your crest." I said and Rock smiled at me.

„You know, you guys are alright." he smiled and I grinned back, „for a bunch of ghouls and a boy." Rock winked at me and we both laughed.

Heath got pushed by Manny at the ceremony and Heath pushed Clawd making both of them fall down and Clawd tried to hold on to me, taking me with the two of them to the ground. Clawdeen managed to catch the Trophy before it crashed and Draculaura began to suspect that something was wrong. At the end of it all, girls and boys could finally play together. I was wearing the boys uniform again and was next to Clawd at the next game of Scream, really happy to güfinally play with Clawd again!

That's how this books ends!

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