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Welcome to this madhouse, madhouse
The church of mental breakdowns, breakdowns

Come on in this blue gown's clean (clean)
Kill your vitals, join the flatline creed (creed)
Take your meds, don't complain
Insanity's the price you'll pay
Shackled by the fantasy
We know your insecurities

Welcome to this madhouse, madhouse
The church of mental breakdowns, breakdowns
Where we love to hate ourselves
Rather die than ask for help
Safe and sound inside our shell
All is well
Living in this madhouse
Living in this madhouse

Sign in blood to feel enough
Destroy yourself to be someone
You've pledged your life to the machine
Of chasing nightmares dressed like dreams
A systematic spread disease
This feeds on insecurities

Welcome to this madhouse, madhouse
The church of mental breakdowns, breakdowns
Where we love to hate ourselves
Rather die than ask for help
Safe and sound inside our shell
All is well
Living in this madhouse
Living in this madhouse

Rehab, recover, relapse, repeat
Rehab, recover, relapse, repeat
Rehab, recover, relapse, repeat
Rehab, recover, relapse, repeat (oh)

Welcome to this madhouse, madhouse
The church of mental breakdowns, breakdowns
Where we love to hate ourselves
Rather die than ask for help
Safe and sound inside our shell
All is well
Living in this madhouse
Living in this madhouse

We know your insecurities (rehab, recover, relapse, repeat)
We know your insecurities (rehab, recover, relapse, repeat)
We know your insecurities

-Madhouse-Citizen Soldier-2022


"Alice, I've done everything you've told me to do, but it hasn't worked," I tell her over the phone.

"What do you mean?" Alice asks. "Walk me through it."

"I called a priest to purify the place," I recalled. "He was barely inside for ten minutes before he snapped and killed his assistant. He doesn't remember anything other than his claims that he was possessed. I drew the sigils you sent me, but it hasn't kept people away."

"Shit," Alice swore. "I'm so sorry. Has something else happened tonight?"

I look at the young woman lying in a hospital bed a few feet away.

"Yeah, it has," I murmured. "A group of paranormal investigators went in. They're reputable. They know about your organization...somehow they spent the night, but...one of them disappeared, two of them were killed, and only one made it out: Sarah Graham."

"Jesus," Alice sighed. "I'll send a team...whatever's going on in there will need the best of the best..."

"If it were up to me, I'd burn that place to the ground," I growled.

"The town protects it," Alice mused.

"In a sick way, it brings in tourists," I spat. "All they want is for the murders and disappearances to end."

"I see," Alice sighed. "I can't believe it's still happening after all these years..."

"We thought..., or we hoped...that the place would've been destroyed when we got out," I lament. "How the hell did we survive?"

"I'm not so sure that we did," Alice comments. "My life revolves around the supernatural, and you ended up back there after the war, trying to save the people affected by that place. It still has a hold on us."

"It's gotten worse since we were kids," I said, clearing my throat. "I'm wondering if the thing that lives there is pissed off that we escaped..."

"If it's so powerful, why didn't it follow us?" Alice wonders.

"That's...they can do that?!" I fought to keep my voice down.

"Yeah, they can," Alice murmured. "Listen, I will call in my team and brief them. See what Sarah can remember. And I'll be on my way with them."

"Got it," I comply. "Damn, and here I thought Alice Langdon would never set food back home."

"...Once that thing is gone, maybe I'll visit more often," Alice sighed. "I've fought wars against humans and demons alike, and yet I hadn't thought to come back there."

"I still avoid it if I can help it," I admit. "I park the cruiser outside the gate when I get a call, but I know it's there. Watching me."

"I'm sorry, Greg," Alice sighs. "We'll take out that son of a bitch together. I'll see you soon."

After we ended the call, I braced myself for when Sarah woke up. They always scream, thinking that they are still back there. No one is ever left unscathed...I can't wait to end this once and for all and move on with the rest of my life.

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