Royal Underworld Birth

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Ravana, one of the kings of underworld, was with his husband when he randomly felt a sharp pain

Birsha, Ravana's husband, was watching his husbands every move because he's pregnant, and he didn't want anything bad to happen to them

"Ravana?! Are you ok?!" Birsha asks

"Do I look ok Birsha?!" Ravana yells as he curls in pain as a contraction hit

Birsha rushes Ravana to the castle where the midwife already was, and was ready

"My lord, I need you to calm down!" The midwife says to Ravana as he goes haywire

"Vana....Calm down...I'm here. Take deep breaths..." Birsha says, and Ravana calms down

Ravana was only 2 cm when the midwife checked his dilation

"My lord...Do you want an epidural to ease the pain?" The midwife asks

"No..." Ravana says

"Alright, try and get some rest.." The miwife says as Ravana falls asleep

17 hours later Ravana wakes up screaming, making his husband and the midwife run to him

"Vana?!" Birsha yells

"The baby..!" Ravana says as the midwife checks

"He's fully dialated" The midwife says

"Push on your next contraction my lord" The midwife says again

"Ok..." Ravana says

With every contraction, Ravana pushes

"That's it my lord, keep doing that!" The midwife encourages him

Ravana continues to push, but it gets harder each time he pushes

"I can't..." Ravana says

"Yes you can...!" Birsha encourages Ravana

After 6 hours, their heir was born

"She's gorgeous..." Ravana says

"She sure is..." Birsha says

"My lords...If I may....She looks more like Lord Birsha than you Lord Ravana..." The midwife says

Birsha is a deep purple with crimson red eyes and onyx colored hair. Ravana is a deep red with scarlet red eyes and jet black hair

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