Bonus - Oleif x Biorn

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Biorn and Oleif were asleep when a battle horn was sounded, causing them and Trygg to awaken. This also caused Trygg to start crying

"Oleif?" Biorn looks over t his husband who is dressing

"My love....Please stay here and take care of Trygg...I don't want you to get hurt" Oleif says as he runs out of the room

Biorn gets up and goes to Trygg's cradle and picks him up, cradling him so he falls back asleep

It was early in the morning and Biorn was tired, but he couldn't go back to sleep now that he knows his husbands life is in danger

"It's ok Trygg....." Biorn says to his son as he cradles him, rocking him so he falls asleep

For hours, Oleif was out fighting, and there was no signs of stopping anytime soon

Biorn was worried about his husband. He had a hard time doing anything at all

Hours go by, and Oleif finally returns, he is beaten and hurt but not sa bad as he should be

"Oleif!" Biorn runs up to him

"Elskan..." Oleif says

"Let me treat your wounds..." Biorn says

"Elskan no...Let the thralls do it, alright?" Oleif says sitting in a chair

"Alright...." Biorn says as thralls treat Oleif's wounds

Everything was back to normal after that day, with a little fighting here and there, but not major.

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