New Year's Birth

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Embrosis and Allen were at a New Year's party when Embrosis went into labor

"Woah Embrosis, are you ok?" One of Allen's colleagues asks

"No, not really...I think I'm in labor? I can't tell..." Embrosis says

The person talking to Embrosis ran to find Allen, who was helping with fireworks

"Allen!" The person yells and everyone looks over at them

"What?" Allen says

"Embrosis thinks he's in labor!" Right as Allen heard Embrosis' name, he started running to him

Embrosis wasn't in pain. So he wasn't sure if he was in labor at first, but he realized when he kept feeling kicks, or what felt like kicks, more than normal

"Embrosis?!" Allen yells running to his husband

"Hi..." Embrosis says, but his husband is worried and picks him up and runs to their car

By the time they were at the hospital, Embrosis's water broke, making his husband panic more. When he carried Embrosis into the hospital a doctor noticed, and ran over to them

"What's wrong?!" The doctor asks

"He's in labor!" Allen says worried for his husband

The doctor rings in and asks for assistance with a labor

Hours later, their daughter was born

"Haha....she's going to be the youngest in here grade when she goes to school..." Embrosis says

"Yeah..." Allen says

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