Office Birth (Again)

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Jayce was visiting his husband at work, or was waiting for his husband in his office because he was in a meeting. Jayce hears foot steps, and waits for the door to open, but it doesn't.

Thirty minutes later Marshall walks into his office and notices his husband laying on a couch he has, in pain

"Jayce?" Marshall says shaking his husband a little

"Mhn..." Jayce groans

"Jayce, are you ok?" Marshall asks

Jayce wakes up in pain, and sees his husband

"Marshall....?" Jayce says

"Hi babe, why are you here?" Marshall asks

"I got lonely....." Jayce says, but he outs his hand on his stomach and gasps

"What's wrong?!" Marshall says frantic

"The baby....." Jayce says grabbing his husbands suit

"Here?! Jayce-" Marshall was cut off by someone knocking

"Who is it?" Marshall says

"Boss, can I come in?" A voice says

"Ah....I'm pretty busy!" Marshall says

"Is everything alright in there?" The voice says

"Yeah, everything's fine Drew" Marshall says

"Are you sure?" Drew asks

"Jayce...? Can-" Marshall gets cut off

"Idc....We need an ambulance..." Jayce whispers

"...Drew, you can come in, and please call an ambulance" Marshall says as Drew opens the door

"Oh dear...!?" Drew says dialing 9-1-1

"They're ten minutes away! What should I do?" Drew asks

"Find me towels...." Marshall says

"On it!" Drew says bolting out of the room

"Marshall....It hurts!" Jayce whines

"I know...." Marshall says

Drew comes back with towels

"Now we wait...." Marshall says

"Noo....!" Jayce whines

"Jayce....You can't push yet....Atleast I think...?" Marshall says

They hear sirens outside

"They're here!" Drew says

"Go!" Marshall says, and Drew goes

"Ah..!" Jayce moans

"Do you need to push?" Marshall asks

Jayce nods

"Alright, push" Marshall says

A few minutes later Drew runs in with paramedics

"The baby is crowning" Marshall says as he moves so the paramedics can do the rest

"Sir, give me one more big push!" The female paramedic says

"Ah!" Jayce moans as he gives one last push

They hear no crying

"Is she ok?!" Marshall asks

"She's alright....Just not crying" The other female says

"Drew....When we leave would you get someone to clean up? Sorry about this...." Marshall says

"Right away boss. Besides, it's not a big deal" Drew says

One of the paramedics hands the baby to Jayce

"She's perfect...." Jayce says

"Of course she is....She's our little angel" Marshall says

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