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Giyuu woke up the next morning. His body felt sore and heavy and he had a slight headache. He let out a small sigh and stretched a bit before looking around. "Oh? I fell asleep here?" He then remembered the day before and smiled lightly. He got up and went to wash quickly, not caring if the water was cold or hot. He then got in his uniform and started heading to Ubuyashiki's house to get his missions.

He got there in a few minutes, lost in his thoughts. He walked in without knocking, something he rarely did. He was surprised to see Sanemi already there.

-"Oh... sorry. I should have knocked." He quickly said as he bowed down.
-"Don't worry. We were done." Ubuyashiki said, dismissing Sanemi with a movement of his hand.

Sanemi got up and walked past Giyuu who sat down and waited to get his mission. A few minutes later, he bowed down and left. He walked outside and took a small breath. "My head hurts today." He thought.

-"Any new mission?" Asked Sanemi as he walked up to him.

He had been waiting for the water hashira to be done with Ubuyashiki, quietly leaning on the wall and making Giyuu jump when he talked, which made Sanemi smile a bit.

-"Yes. I need to investigate some disparitions. What about you Shinazugawa-san?" Asked Giyuu.
-"I have a demon to kill. But it'll be easy considering how strong I am! Maybe I'll come see you on your mission!" He said proudly while grinning.

Giyuu was about to smile and answer until someone cut them.

-"Aren't you two acting a bit too friendly?" Asked Obanai who snuck up behind them.

Both boys jumped lightly at the sudden voice.

-"Obanai! Fuck you scared me!" Exclaimed loudly Sanemi.
-"That doesn't answer my question."

Giyuu was back to his emotionless face. Sanemi glanced at him and then looked at Obanai.

-"We were only talking about our missions." He finally said.
-"No need to get jealous over a conversation." Added Giyuu before turning around and leaving, Sanemi grabbing Obanai to keep him from attacking the blue eyed hashira, which obviously amused Sanemi.

Giyuu left to the village he had to investigate in while Sanemi went to kill the demon he was charged to. Of course Sanemi finished quickly and then went to look for Giyuu. The water hashira found himself fighting a demon too. But he wasn't like usual. He wasn't feeling well and being outside made him start a fever. His body was warm and he felt weak and wobbly on his legs. His grip on his sword loosened as moving around got hard. Sanemi saw this and quickly leaped at the demon, ending him before gently grabbing Giyuu by the waist and holding him close.

-"Sh-Shinazugawa?" He asked confusedly.
-"What's up with you Tomioka?" Asked Sanemi.
-"You rarely use my name... call me Giyuu instead. Not one calls me Tomioka..."
-"Fine. What's up with you Giyuu?"
-"What do you mean? I was about to kill that demon!"
-"No you weren't. You would have gotten hurt dumbass."

He put the water hashira on his back.

-"I'm taking you to the butterfly mansion..." Said Sanemi as he locked the other boy in place.
-"Noooo!" He whined and laid his burning forehead on his back. "Not the butterfly mansion..."
-"Holy shit. You're burning up."

He quickly started running towards the butterfly mansion. He felt the other boy shiver as his skin was converted in a thin layer of sweat. Giyuu started falling asleep on his back. This made Sanemi worry more. He barged inside the butterfly mansion.

-"Shinobu!" He screamed.

The smaller female slayer quickly appeared, hearing the panicked voice of the wind hashira, which was extremely rare.

It all started on Valentine's Day Where stories live. Discover now