2. WHAT???

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Let's just say the welcome party was not nice. When I saw Kitty run out I immediately followed her, handing my drink to Minho. When I went out, I could hear her crying and I felt like punching Dae for making my bestie cry, how could he?! "Kitty? What happened there?", I just hugged her and she kept crying, poor girl, I'll never forgive Dae for this. While I was cussing Dae in my mind, I saw someone come out of the party, clearly not Dae. "Dae, I don't wanna talk to you!!", said Kitty. "Sorry. I'm just looking for the loo. I'm Alex Finnerty from Melbourne, Australia. I'm a new teacher here this year!", "Why are you, not Dae??" she said crying even more. "You mean the guy you don't wanna talk to?" he asked Kitty. "wait, you're both Americans, right?", he asked us, "half American half Korean", I replied to him since she was not in a state to talk to anyone. "I admire you guys there, you are also very loud!", he said, I wondered what was going on, I was focused on helping Kitty. "Loud?", I asked, "I noticed that they speak louder than everyone else", he replied. "fair enough", replied Kitty wiping her tears from her face. "Forget everything that just happened, I'm going back in there, and I'm not leaving without answers!!", Kitty said in a high voice, and I smiled at her. I went in with Kitty, she went to talk to Dae while I went over to talk to Q. Not Minho, he annoyed me too much today. Kitty came towards us and Minho being the person he is had to comment something, "This girl treats Korean guys like Pokemon. She's trying to catch them. Not interested". I just rolled my eyes at him, typical Minho and I just met him!! "Who said we're interested, pretty boy?" I told him. He just smirked at me and then rolled his eyes. "Cut your conversation guys, I'm looking for Dae!!" Kitty said as she wanted answers. The boys just looked at each other and then at us. "what is it?", I asked. "Okay, who are you two?? Q asked us. "I'm Kitty Song Covey, and she's y/n y/l/n my best friend from Portland", Kitty said. "You're kitty?" Q asked as he realized something. "WAIT, YOU'RE Q? kitty said and then frowned and continued "you must be Minho then", "oh so you're the pen pal?", Minho asked and I rolled my eyes yet again, Kitty was not a pen pal, she was his girlfriend, still is? I don't know, this is so confusing. "anyways, where is Dae?" Kitty asked again, I thought he left but he entered back again, urgh I wanted to punch him for making Kitty cry. By the time I looked beside me, Kitty had already talked to Dae and managed to fall into the dessert tower. "NEVER SEEN A GIRL CRASH INTO A DESSERT TOWER BEFORE?", Kitty shouted at everyone, and that's when she slipped again. "oh love no, come on let's go back to the dorms", I ran over to her and helped her get up and then we left for the dorms. "Y/n I want to go home", Kitty was heartbroken and it reminded me of my breakup with Blake, I didn't want Kitty to go through all of this. "annyeonghaseyo hangug-eonlon 1, yeongmun-eonlon 2" (for Korean press one, for English press two). I felt bad for Kitty, she came to Seoul to see Dae cheat on her with someone else. "y/n you stay, im leaving for Portland tomorrow morning", "NO, no you're not, we came together to enjoy our lives and we won't let Dae or anyone ruin it for us, Kitty, it was our dream to study together till the end, heck even die together, always and forever, we're gonna be besties for life, so if you're leaving, im leaving.", I almost started crying because I didn't want Kitty to leave and my past wasn't helping either. As Kitty's phone stopped ringing, 2 seconds later, we heard someone speaking. "Spill it", it was Minho, the 'I can't speak English guy'. "Kitty, is this a boys dorm?" I whispered to her, "maybe omg what should we do" kitty asked back", I had no idea, while I was thinking, Kitty made a sound, a very high pitched sound which resulted in us hiding under the bedsheets. "Marius?" Minho asked and we tightened our hold on the blanket even more. "Oy Marius, wake up, time for class!!" Minho said again and he started pulling the blanket, we were having a war till Q and Dae decided to help them which caused the blanket to fall and all of us screamed looking at each other. "Dae's crazy ex-pen pal and the pretty girl broke into our dorm to murder us, get closer to Dae, and me!!", Minho said dramatically, but wow his accent was hot. "This is our room", Kitty said showing them the sheets. "Pretty boy you can put the laptop down we're not murderers", I rolled my eyes at him while he just stared at me. "You're listed as Song and you're listed as y/l/n," Q said, "So?", Kitty asked again while I was bickering with Minho. "They can be a guy's name maybe that's why you got listed in a boy's dorm," Dae said. "I'm telling you, they did this to be closer, pretty girl seems like a stalker to me", Minho said, he needs to get over himself. "Okay", Q said while rolling his eyes. "I told you a lot, they were hitting on me on the plane over here, and at the party", "It's called being friendly, not stalking pabo", I said. (dumb) "I was not hitting on you," Kitty said annoyingly. "I want my necklace back Dae", "Your necklace?", "yeah, the one I gave you when your mom died", judging by the look on his face, he seemed to have lost the necklace, that necklace was really important to Kitty, it was her mom's. "Yeah, I have it around somewhere", "Somewhere, Dae that necklace belonged to my mom", Kitty said heartbroken. "Dae you better find that necklace and give it to her, you know how important it was to her, how could you do this?", I said feeling sad. After everything had calmed down, I went to the bathroom to do my night skincare routine. As soon as I entered the bathroom, I saw Minho doing his skincare routine, cute.
Minho pov:
Something about y/n just pissed me off, she was the only girl who talked back to me in the most sarcastic manner ever, plus there was something about her that she was hiding, I saw the sad look on her face when she got to know that Dae cheated on Portland Stalker with Yuri, and I wanted to know what it was. I went to the bathroom to do my night skincare routine. I was almost done with it but then I saw y/n enter the room and started her routine, she's really pretty but very annoying. She caught me staring at her and it made it awkward so I left the room and told her goodnight.
next morning:
"Kitty, me and Yuri, it's not real it's fake", I woke up to the sound of Dae banging on the door, god why do mornings have to be so annoying? When I woke up, I saw a note, saying "I'm leaving, sorry y/n, ily bestie, XOXO, Kitty!!", Kitty why would you do this, I ran out of the door without any proper shoes to find Kitty in the campus. Dae found her before me so I decided to go back to the dorm and have coffee. Perfect timing, Minho was making coffee. "Can you make one for me too, please", I asked him, "Sure pretty girl", he said with a smile, damn this nickname had a fine print now. While we all were having coffee and just having a random discussion, Kitty came in, the first thing I did was hug her and told her never to do something like that again. Dae was on the news and we all were just watching it, it was about Yuri's father's press conference. In a split second Kitty was so happy because she figured out that Dae and Yuri were in a fake relationship since he refused to hold hands with her in public. Oh my goodness, KISS, you're gonna be interesting.
1432 words, omg, hope you guys like it so far!! will update very soon, adios 💗🥹
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