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Camping is one of my favorite things to do <3 When I was younger I used to go camping with my whole family and it was a blast!! my brother and I used to run around the bonfire in circles while my dad set up the tents for sleeping and my mom clicked pictures of us to remember. I still have a picture of my brother and I eating fish with my parents, which my father and brother went fishing in the lakes.  Leaving the memories aside, Minho and I are close now after detention and everything that happened in the past weeks. Our school is going on a camping trip and let's say im SUPER (I love my team, I love my crew) excited!! I was having coffee with Kitty and Q when Minho entered the room with a huge suitcase. "Dude, it's camping, in nature, for TWO days," Kitty said shocked. "I know, that's why I packed light!" Minho said and left the room with his suitcase. Coffee in one hand and my suitcase in another, I was about to leave the room when Q and Kitty asked me if I was dating Minho or if anything was going on between us. I just said no and walked out blushing which Q noticed and just laughed at me. Me and Minho were really close friends, I was hoping we could be more but things were different after Blake got sent to prison, etc. "Wait, Kitty, do you plan on telling Yuri about your crush on her?" Q asked and all three of us whipped our heads in his direction while Kitty looked at Dae who was talking to Yuri. Fast recap, Kitty had a sex dream about Yuri and she was still trying to figure things out. "Its not a crush, its just a simple dream", "trust me kitkat, sex dreams mean something" I said and tried to hide my blush while Minho just chuckled at me.  "Lets not talk about this now, we're getting late!!" Kitty changed the topic and I heard Minho asking me if I wanted to sit with him to which I agreed happily since we needed to talk about our kiss the other day...

We were going on the trip because of Minho, apparently his mom worked with Ocean Park and Principal Lim agreed to cancel the ski weekend so we could go to his grandmother's village instead. We both boarded the bus and I sat on the window seat after I won in rock, paper, scissors. 

"We are in the forest. It is extremly dangerous and there is a lot of wildlife around here. Um, also, could everyone tell me who they would like to room with?" Alex said to us and before I could say anything, Yuri said she'd wanna pair with Kitty and I in the large tent. "WE WILL?!" Kitty asked and I said goodbye to the guys and we walked to the tent without saying another word. "SO, you and Minho, huh?" Yuri asked me to which I simply blushed. I liked Minho a lot and I was pretty sure he liked me too, we were just bad at asking each other to be girlfriend and boyfriend. "yeah, I guess, after the party we've gotten pretty close", I said to Yuri to which she smiled and said she was happy for me. "Guys don't like to admit their feelings real quick, huh" Kitty asked to which I simply shrugged, not knowing how I'd answer the question without hurting her feelings. I excused myself and left the tent to get fresh air and see the surroundings. "Hey pretty girl" Minho said while he was holding a rake in his hand. "Why on earth are you holding a rake, pretty boy", "Alex said we're supposed to clean the disaster which was created by te floods", "AAH, the priceless knowledge that we will help to heal the community", we both just laughed and continued to work. "Oh, by the way, you guys have one hour before curfew tonight, you can roam around in the campus area", Alex announced and everyone cheered. "Hey, y/n, can you meet me at my tent later tonight during the free time, I have a surprise for you." Minho asked me and I happily said yes!! 

"OH MY GOD ITS OCEAN PARK!!!", one girl literally shouted and everyone ran in that direction while Minho and I simply walked over to. "Hi, my mother Dami, says, 'Hello' Mr.Park" Minho said to him and Ocean Park looked as if he tried to remember something. "Ah, Dami, your mother is an incredible woman, did she ever tell you about the time I ran into her at Sundance?" Ocean Park asked and I knew this conversation would take a weird turn. "Uhh....", "She kept me warm on a very cold night", he said to Minho and im pretty sure he didn't want to know about his mother's sex life, poor guy. "Lets take a selfie", Madison asked and I along with Minho walked away from the group. "Did he really just say that?", Minho was traumatized, "I guess yeah but try to forget about it". We said goodbye and went to our tents. 

"GET UP, YOU'RE GETTING READY", Kitty told me and im pretty sure she got to know from Q or Dae, "urgh, not now", I said. "NOW", Kitty and Yuri both shouted at me. Huh, this wasn't weird at all. Kitty worked on my outfit while Yuri did my hair and makeup. I wore a white top paired with a blue skirt along with white heels and light natural makeup with my hair in a pretty blue butterfly bow. "Thanks a lot guys, I owe you both one!!" I said to Kitty and Yuri and they both wished me luck and i left the tent to go and meet up with Minho. 


"Sorry im late, the girls wanted to give me a full makeover and all", I said to Minho and entered his tent, it was decorated with flowers (your fav flowers) and cholocates (your fav chocolates)

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"Sorry im late, the girls wanted to give me a full makeover and all", I said to Minho and entered his tent, it was decorated with flowers (your fav flowers) and cholocates (your fav chocolates). "Hi, you look gorgeous love", LOVE?! WAS THIS MAN TRYING TO KILL ME?? "Come sit, I wanna ask you something" Minho said and I walked over to his bed. "Look y/n, a lot has happened these past few weeks. I think I want us to be more than just friends, im ready for a relationship, I wanna be with you, spend time with you, I really like you y/n, so, would you like to be my girlfriend...?" Minho said and I was about to cry because of how sweet he was. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend my pretty boy", I smiled and our faces grew closer. We kissed, as a couple, this was our first kiss and im more than happy that it was Minho. "I was so nervous that you'd reject me and all these chocolates would go to waste", "are you kidding me, I love chocolates, they would never go to waste!!", "more than me y/l/n?", Minho asked with a small smirk on his face, "maybe, raccoon" ;) "Oh please, you know you like me more than chocolates babe!", "Im kidding, i like you more than chocolates". We sat and talked about life, school in general and I even called my brother to tell him about Minho since dad never picked our calls. He gave Minho the big brother lecture and agreed to our relationship! I was over the moon, best day of my life. I could call Minho mine, eat chocolates, best day!! "Your brother is scary", Minho said, "Hey, he's not scary just bringing out his protective side, dont worry he loved you babe." Before we could lean into another kiss, Dae entered the tent. "What is all this?", "Well, I asked y/n to be my girlfriend and she said yes", "Im happy for the two of you", "thank you dae!!", I said to Dae and also said goodnight to the both of them and headed to my tent with the greatest and biggest smile on my face with the flowers and chocolate box in one hand. "IM DATING MINHO!!" I said to Kitty and Yuri and both of them hugged me and said, "My bestie has a boyfriend, im so happy for her", "my new bestie has a bf, ive shipped you both since day one, finally!!". We all laughed, talked for a while and decided to sleep. After a long time, I slept with a smile on my face.




1478 words, im so sorry for not updating since a very long time, a lot of things came up and my schedule was hectic, too many exams and pressure. Thank you so much for your patience and kindness, I love you guys so so so much!!








PS: Im in my seventeen era, lets just say, im so proud of the boys!! They've come so far and I love them so so so much. Jeonghan is my bias, comment who's your bias from seventeen and who's your ult group <3




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adios, ily guyssssss 🥺♾️

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