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It had been around three days since we came back from the camping trip, which meant three days since I'd been dating Minho. Everything was perfect, we were finally having a normal life at KISS and I couldn't be happier. Kitty and I were having minor arguments because I'd gotten closer to Yuri since we came back from the trip. I was planning on meeting Yuri today at the library so we could complete our assignment and Kitty got angry about it even after clearing the mess with her about the fake relationship with Dae. I walked out of our room frustrated and saw the guys sitting in the main room drinking coffee. "Hey babe, come sit with us and have coffee", Minho said to me. I went and sat on the couch while Minho was talking to Q about how I changed his life and made him happy. I smiled and sipped on my coffee not saying anything because I was still pissed with Kitty. I finally made a friend other than Kitty and she was mad about it. "Oh shit, I have to go, im meeting Yuri at the library so that we can continue our assignment", I say in a hurry looking at the time. "Bye babe" I gave a peck on the cheek to Minho and said goodbye to Q and left the room with my bag. I heard Kitty say something but I ignored her.

"We have a week before finals and we're gonna make study plans, and everyone I mean EVERYONE helps Kitty" Dae said looking at Minho and I. "Guys, Kitty and I are finally together and im not gonna let her fail out of the school now". Dae said with a smile and we all agreed to him. "Ill help with chemistry" said Q, "Ill help with history and mathematics" I said, which left Korean to Minho and Physics for Dae. Once the plan was made, everyone decided to go and have food and later sit in groups and start studying for the finals. 

"y/n we need to talk" Kitty came out of nowhere and I followed her to our shared room. "You've been hanging out with Yuri a lot these days, is she your new bestie?!" she said to me and I was a little shocked with her phrasing and tone. "Kitty, shes just my new friend! Stop acting like this!! I just went for a study session with her because the finals are coming up! Dont act immature now, plus you already sorted out the matter didnt you? Yuri is innocent, the plan was fake so drop the topic" I sigh and leave the room not wanting to deal with her at the moment. Minho was in his room playing a game on his phone when I entered the room. "Hey babe", he said and I just went and hugged him. "What happened?", "Kitty and I had a fight", I said to him sobbing. Kitty and I have never had such bad fights which caused us to fall out or anything. "Do you want me to bring banana milk and chocolates for you?" he asked softly, whispering in my ear. "Can we just cuddle and watch a movie?", "Sure". 

Hours later, I woke up to hearing Minho shout at someone in the living room. I went out and checked he was fighting with Kitty, Yuri and Dae were in the room too. "You're not mad at Dae? He lied, and lied, and lied" Minho said and I realised that he found out the truth now. "I was mad but I forgave him" Kitty replied to which Dae interupted by saying that Kitty and him were good and  he should not interfere in their personal matter. "Then tell Kitty to stop acting rude to her best friend who's done nothing but support her throughout her life at KISS" Minho said and exited the living room. "Thanks", I smiled and said to Minho as he entered the room. "Always and forever babe" he gave me a kiss on the lips and before we could continue, Q enetered the room and asked Minho to go get coffee for him with Dae and talk to him further more about what happened in the living room earlier. Minho just agreed and left the room.

"If you have done well all semester, you should have no issues with the final. It is fair. Hard, but fair." Lee said to us all and I saw Kitty's hand was up. "yes?" he asked her, "What if we have not done well?, "then you're probably doomed" he replied to her. "But im not unresonable. Any students of mine who chooses to participate in the end of the term talent show, will get a 10 point boost on their lowest grade, and the performance should be related to the Korean art form, with DIGNITY" Lee said to everyone in the class and cheers errupted.




(im skipping the practice part, Kitty starts to have feelings for Yuri, Kitty and y/n fix their drama they're besties again!! time skip to the anual show, after the fire drama happens on stage, everyone starts panicking)

(ps: fire by svt omg <33)




A minor fire had errupted and Kitty's dress had caught fire. Dae rushed to her and everyone calmed a bit after the fire was out.

"Its our last night together" I say to Minho since our semester ends soon. "Then lets make it memorable" Minho smirked and started kissing my neck. "Minho, someone will enter the room!!", "No one will babe, its locked" Minho said and continued kissing my neck further more.

"Im going to miss you a lot babe" Minho said and I just kissed him in return. Time at KISS was very eventful. The Blake drama, Minho and I started dating, the whole Yuri Kitty Dae drama, Florian and Q drama, only one word 'eventful'. 

"Have you packed?" Minho asked, "yeah all done", "lets sleep, you have a long journey tomorrow" Minho smiled and we both drifted off to sleep.

"WAKE UP!! GRADES ARE OUT!!!!!!!!!" Q shouted and we ran to check our results. "Passed!!" Q, Minho and I exclaimed together and waited for Kitty's reply since she was the one in the blunder. "PASSED!!"  kitty said and we all smiled, Minho and I left for the cafeteria to get breakfast and Kitty stayed behind to meet Dae. "What are your plans?" I asked Minho, "Ill be going to Busan to meet my mother  for her latest shoot and then spend time with her there before I get back here, you?", "Thats sweet, ill be meeting my brother after ages, we'll hang out, chill and maybe go and meet up dad again, not sure though" I smiled and continued eating breakfast. "KITTY, shes being kicked out" Q came running to us, "what why?!", "they found out that she's been living in the boys dorm, your name was not there because you never changed your dorm room officially, this is a huge mess" Q explained it to us and we all went to find her.



"Kitty, i promise everything will be okay we'll figure something out" We all said to her making her feel a bit better than before. "Ill miss you guys" I said to Q, Minho, Yuri, Dae before leaving for the airport. "Babe, promise to text whenever you're free, and please take care, ill miss you" Minho said and gave me a long kiss, I was on the verge of crying because I wont be seeing him for a whole break but I managed to handle it and said goodbyes to everyone.




(skip to the plane scene, Kitty met Dae, told her she needs time to sort everything out, she still has feelings for Yuri, she broke up with Dae)




I put my arm on the armrest only to see some other person's arm on it, I found myself fighting with him for the armrest position. He looked at us and I saw Minho covering his face with the hoodie!
"MINHO!!" I exclaimed and he just chuckled. "What are you doing here?" Kitty asked him, "On this plane? Or in coach?" "both". "Well im on this plane because my mom asked me to come directly to LA and im here in coach because I think you both need extra company right now" He just smiled at us and I laid my head on his shoulder for support. 



"y/n i need to tell you something" Minho asked me and my heart was beating rapidly because I think i knew what he wanted to say. "y/n, I think i fell in love with you. A little bit. Or...a lot", he said to me with a smile hoping id say something back, "Minho, I think i fell in love with you too, a lot", I just smiled at him and he gave me a small kiss before the final takeoff announcement. 

"Please fasten your seatbelts, we're preparing for takeoff" the PA announcer said and we just smiled at each other. KISS was perfect, Minho was perfect, WE were perfect, LIFE IS PERFECT <3




A/N: hello everyone, TS here!! I want to thank each and every one of you for showing this story so much love!! This is the end of the story :) This is not the last time you'll see the love story of y/n and Minho, hopefully S2 will be ou soon and ill see you then!! Thank you so so so much again for reading the book so far and stay tuned for more updates and hint hint, maybe a new book too! I love you guys, stay safe and happy <33

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