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Minho's Pov:
Today was the day, the biggest event to be hosted! Of course it's my party. Hundreds of people are invited, according to my guest list. Although i did have a bad feeling about it but i ignored it and cross-checked the list name. I thought i was alone in the dorm but i was wrong, i went to the kitchen to get water but i saw y/n sitting at the counter drinking banana milk. Cute. Her open wavy y/h/c shining in the sunlight, her soft skin, she was glowing, not like Edward Cullen but like a diamond, looking beautiful as ever. Wait am I starting to like her? More than a friend?! i went out and say besides her, before i could say something she came closer to me and kissed me...
I fell from the bed and I'm pretty sure it made a loud sound because she entered my room with BANANA MILK and asked if i was okay. This felt like a dream. "Y-yeah i-im o-o-okay", wtf did i just stutter! Me?? Minho?? She's making me feel things i don't want to, what are you doing to me y/n.
y/n pov:
I entered minho's room because i heard a loud sound, he fell from the bed, im not even going to guess. I asked him if he was okay and he replied but he was stuttering, it wasn't even cold, was he okay? He also seemed a bit traumatised when he saw me enter his room drinking banana milk, maybe he had a weird dream who knows. I said okay and left his room. "I just want to talk to him, and then alex said that not everybody's on my time table and now I'm just wondering what to do-" kitty was explaining something to Q and he cut her off by asking us both, what we were going to wear for Minho's party this evening. Shit i completely forgot about that because of all the drama going on. "Im not going" Kitty said with a sad face. "WHY??" Q and I said simultaneously. "Dae and Yuri will probably be there", she said, "Yuri is DJing and Dae never attends such things, so miss covey, you are coming to the party, end of discussion, now tell me what you guys are planning to wear omg, dress hot!!" Q said and we both just laughed at his enthusiasm. "Plus you know what Minho's Madness Party is?? its a new experience, it's fun, you may meet someone hot there!!" Q said looking at me, "what excuse me, no plus i already like someone", "OMG WHO" Q, Kitty and Florian said. When did he come?? nevermind. "Its a secret, im not gonna tell you all so keep guessing", i said and exited the room and tried deciding what ill wear for the party.
Time skip to the party!!
(You guys can choose what to wear for the party, i chose the outfit below)

The party was filled with numerous amount of people whose names i didn't even know, i think a few people were not listed but somehow entered the party, i swear i saw someone wearing a trackpant and tee-shirt

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The party was filled with numerous amount of people whose names i didn't even know, i think a few people were not listed but somehow entered the party, i swear i saw someone wearing a trackpant and tee-shirt. I saw Kitty, Q and Florian so i headed towards them.
Minho pov:
While i was talking to Dae about how i was happy he attended the party, Maddison came, i didn't even invite her!! i made sure not to invite Blake, y/r/n and Maddison, urgh i need to go over the guest list again. She was shamelessly flirting with me and in my vision i saw someone enter the room, dressed in a pretty hot red dress and a cute ribbon tying her hair, messy but hot, she looked beautiful. I could hear Maddison call my name but i ignored her and went to see who the beautiful girl was. I saw her head towards Q, Kitty and Florian and as soon as she turned around...
"No no NOOOO, my eyes, it's like the light is blinding me!!" I saw y/n, she looked stunning in that dress, stunning would be an understatement. I was about to cover my eyes even more when i saw a guy wearing tracks to my party!! "Hey what are you wearing, to the event of the year!! I need to crosscheck the dress code with the guards!?" I said to myself and dragged him towards the exit.
No one's pov: little did Minho and y/n know, y/n's worst nightmare had entered the party and it was going to be a mess. A little bit of waring for the further part of the chapter (sexual assault). I will mention when it starts so if you guys are not comfortable reading it, you can skip it!!
y/n's pov:
"I cant find him anywhere, life is a mess, school sucks and I'm bored and thirsty" i said to Q and Florian, kitty went over to some random guy she found at the party. "Well lucky for you, im french" Florain said and got a bottle of alcohol out, it was my first time drinking so god save me. "Hey kitty, you're back!! Looking cuteeee, omg did you like the guy!! he was a creep omg stay away from him!!" I said, already feeling tipsy. "She drank for the first time" Q said to Kitty and she just chuckled. "Ill come back from the washroom, i need to fix my makeup, be right back!!" I said to the three of my friends and headed for the washroom. No sign of Minho since i came to the party, urgh.


I was waiting in line to go to the washroom when i felt someone grab my hand and take me somewhere smaller and darker. I was too drunk to notice who it was, until i felt his disgusting touch on my arms. "You're looking beautiful tonight, y/n. You have no idea what all I've wanted to do to you since i came here", Blake said coming closer to me. I tried shouting and puching him but it was of no use, the music was too loud, no one was around and i was drunk to actually hit a person, heck i couldn't even hold a glass properly a few minutes ago. Shit, someone help please. He came closer to me and kissed me roughly, i tried to squirm away from him but he held my hands tight, they sure were going to leave a bruise tomorrow morning. I tried hitting him once, in return i got two slaps from him, i started screaming, hoping someone would hear me. His hands trailed lower and i started crying, there was nothing i could do, he touched me everywhere, his dirty hands roamed about my body, kissing me and slapping me, he undid his pants and forced himself onto me. I shouted and cried and hoped someone would come soon. Minho, please help me, please. I was a crying mess and Blake, he has a smirk on his face, he was a rapist, he abused me, he used me, he cheated on me, h-he raped me, he pushed me down, wore his pants and left me, my dress was a mess, my hair wad a mess, i was a crying mess, i quickly got up, searching for Minho or anyone i could find and tell them or talk to them.


I rushed out and the first person i saw was Minho... kissing Maddison, i was a mess already but now, my heart broke into a million pieces, not knowing what to do. "Mi-Minho..." I said to him, he looked at me and he noticed, he noticed i was crying and he rushed towards me leaving a dumfound Maddison. "y/n are you okay?? what happened??? why are you crying!! y/n answer me!!" Minho kept on questioning me and his voice turned fainter and fainter, i fell to the ground with Minho looking at me scared.
Minho's pov:
"Y/N!! WAKE UP! Y/N THIS IS NOT A TIME TO PRANK ME, WAKE UP!?" I shouted, she fainted, what the hell even happened at the party, Alex came and told me to take y/n to the dorms, i immediately rushed with her in the car and Alex handled the situation at the party. We reached the dorm and i placed her on my bed, when i placed her on the bed, i noticed how bruised her wrists were. They were okay this morning though, suddenly...
IF IT WAS BLAKE ILL KILL HIM, i thought to myself because no one else would do this. I immediately called Kitty, Q and Dae to the dorms. "Kitty i need you to check what's wrong with y/n, she has bruises on her wrists and a few parts of her body, please can you check it for me, now!!" I said to Kitty in a pleading manner, i don't know if i fell for her but i certainly felt something. Something in my mind and heart told me i needed to protect her. "Wait here, all three of you", kitty said and went to my room. "What happened? Q and Dae asked, "I don't know, i was dancing, she came up to me crying, as if something traumatising happened, i tried asking her but she fainted!!" I said scared and confused. "Do you maybe think it was...Blake??" Dae asked, "it can't be, i didn't invite him to the party", "you didn't invite Maddison either" Q pointed out and i had a feeling my thought was true, if it was really blake, i will report him to the police and kill him myself. "Umm guys..." Kitty said while exiting my room. "What?? Is she okay, what happened!!" I said, firing questions towards kitty. "She...she has bruises all over her body and..." "AND WHAT KITTY", I shouted, "im not a doctor or anyone to say this but, the brusies she has this time are not ordinary bruises, they are forced, she was sexually assaulted by someone" kitty said and started to cry. No, no no no. "Kitty tell me you're lying!! TELL ME NOW!" I shouted, it was blake, it had to be, i will kill him. "Im sorry, but its true, you can ask her, she's awake now", as soon as Kitty said y/n was awake i went to my room.
y/n's pov:
"Stay away Blake, ill report you to the police" i said, thinking it was him who entered the room. I woke up crying, the scene replaying in my head over and over again. "Heyy, it's me, Minho" Minho said, i started crying even more until i felt someone hug me. I don't know how long i cried, his outfit was a mess, i was a mess. "Minho-", "shh love, ill report it to the police, we have evidence, ill kill that brat" Minho said sounding super angry, i just cried more, i told him everything that happened from the start, he tried calming me down, hugging me, but none of it worked, blake ruined a part of me, and i hated it.
Next day:
Minho and i went to the police to report everything about Blake, from the start. Luckily we had enough evidence against him, he was sentenced 80 years in jail and was banned from visiting or calling anyone he wanted to, he couldn't get bail. (I don't know how many years are sentenced for SA in Korea, so I'm assuming 80 years).
We later went back to our dorms, i cried and cried, i couldn't sleep because the scene would replay again and again, Minho was there by my side, everyone was, they all decided to stay over and help me feel better. We had ice cream, watched a movie. I was slowly drifting to sleep, not knowing i was cuddling Minho, feeling safe around him, with him. I think I've fallen in love, but im afraid it will hurt me. KISS can we please a normal day!! im tired and i feel like crying even more.

2063 words, hope you guys liked the story so far, enjoy!!
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adios, ily guys <3

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