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Yuri and Dae?? were they really in a fake relationship? I couldn't believe it, Dae never seemed to be the one who fake dates just for popularity or whatever reason it had to be. I've known Dae, not for a very long time but all I know is, he wouldn't cheat on Kitty, he might be having a reason. My brain was hurting too much thinking about it and we had class starting soon so I decided to ignore Kitty, Dae, and Yuri's drama for now. Thankfully Kitty and I had the same class so we wouldn't get lost. "I'd love the barrette up a little higher," Q said to Kitty as I was wearing my shoes. "You look cute Kit", "Thanks guys", she told us smiling. "Come in, come in. Okay, that can go there and that box on the table", Minho said to the movers who magically entered our dorm. "What are you doing here?", he asked Kitty, "I thought you left!!", "You hired movers?", Kitty asked him. "Redecoration, yay??", I replied sarcastically looking at Minho while he just rolled his eyes at me, hence stating our bickering yet again, and we didn't realize when Dae entered the room and told us to stop arguing like little kids. "Love birds, urgh" Q whispered to me and I gave him a death glare, no way I liked Minho, he was very rude and annoying and hot...
"Kitty let's just go to class, I don't want to ruin my mood because of a koala", I said looking at Minho, "Q, Dae, let's go, I don't wanna look at this caterpillar either", "Did you just call me a caterpillar??", I said looking at him in disbelief, "yes, pre-staged butterfly", "oh wow, I see how this is, raccoon", "RACCOON if anything im the most beautiful creature here, caterpillar", "yeah night face mask you look like a raccoon", "Q tell her to stop before I do something she regrets", "Yeah, try me you raccoon", "OKAY STOP BOTH OF YOU", Kitty, Q and Dae shouted simultaneously which caused both of us to shut our mouths. "We're gonna be late for class, let's go now", Kitty told me and we left for our first class, Korean history. "Did you and Dae talk?", I asked her, "He said he wants to explain, should I let him?", Kitty asked, "you should, don't assume things all at once, there may be a reason why he's doing all of this". "also, what's going on between you and minho?", Kitty asked me, "nothing, he's just being annoying.", I replied casually. After class, we went to our other class and we were just in time for our luck, well mostly Kitty's luck was bad because Dae and Yuri were all sweet and nice to each other. "Many students come here to me with a lack of exposure to anything but the basics of the Western canon.", professor Lee said to us in the most annoyed manner. After class, we went for lunch and there was a line of sweets, I decided to get chocolate ice cream, I love chocolates. As we were searching for a place, I found two empty seats, one beside Q and the other? you guessed it right, Minho, yay!! Great, here we go. "Caterpillar, its you, urgh", "very funny, just keep quiet and eat!!" All four of us were just talking about Dae-Yuri drama and i heard someone call my name from a short distance, little did i know, my nightmare just said hello to me in all languages. Blake, my ex boyfriend was here. Little update, Blake was not nice, at all, he was the opposite of AJU NICE. "y/n, i didn't know you go to KISS! How are you, babe?", "Im not your babe, Blake, we broke up, don't talk to me", "why are you even here?", Kitty asked him, she knew why Blake and i broke up. "well, i got to know from Leah that you both are at KISS, i applied, got in!! y/n i wanna apologize for what I did", Blake said, i felt like crying, he broke my heart, cheated on me, abused me and now he wants to get back?! "Dude she already told you no, back off", Minho said, looking a bit angry and annoyed. He didn't know what kind of a person Blake was, i whispered in his ear not to argue with him and he seemed to ignore that. "You don't know anything about us, ill suggest you don't talk, whatever your name is" Blake said looking annoyed, Minho was about to say something but Blake held my hand and dragged me out of the cafeteria.
Minho's pov:
"Minho, you should not interfere between them, Blake is not a good person, he'll ruin your image and y/n's" Kitty said sounding sad. "what even happened between them and where tf did he take y/n?" I said, probably sounding angry, "It would be better if y/n told you, its not my story to tell", Kitty said. "Whatever, im going to find y/n, he doesn't seem good to me", i said and left to find y/n. I was searching for y/n when i heard a scream from the janitors room, i knew it was y/n, yesterday she saw a paper lying on the floor and thought it was a cockroach, typical y/n. I immediately checked the room and i saw y/n crying and Blake looking angry andy first instinct was to punch him, so i did. No way he made her cry. I may not like her that much right now but how dare he make someone cry?! I walked out the room with y/n's hand in mine and from a short distance i could hear him say that he'll make her and my life miserable, i just flipped him. "Minho, im sorry", y/n said crying, "Why are you even saying sorry, i should have killed him in there, how dare he hit you or anyone for that matter of fact", i said calming down a bit because y/n seemed scared. I wanted to ask her what happened in the janitors room but she was too scared to even talk, i just hugged her and let her cry. Its okay y/n ill protect you from that Dokkaebi(Korean mythological monster, hehe). It was getting late, we were late for class so i walked with y/n, she seemed to have calmed down since Dokkaebi wasn't around, man i will kill him one day.
back to y/n's pov:
when Blake took me to the janitors room, i was scared for my life, he was very harsh and used to slap and abuse me for no reason during our relationship, one main reason why i shifted to korea was because of Blake. I wanted to leave my past behind. When Minho came and punched Blake, i was scared, not for me, for Minho, Blake is known for his bad reputation, Minho held my hand and flipped him off and we left from the room, i was ugly crying and he supported me all along, he never asked me what happened in there, just sat there with me while i was crying, consoling me. I mistook him as a bad person, but he still was a raccoon, a cute raccoon. We went for class later, i was feeling better, Minho got me banana milk, i dont how how he noticed that it was my favourite drink, but i was happy and felt safe. We entered the class and just as the bell rang, kitty entered. "Congratulations Kitty, right on time!! Kitty had no choice but to sit with Minho because I decided to sit with Q as i had to ask him something. "This will be interesting", Q said and then he looked at me. Alex told us to select partners since Minho and Kitty started to fight. Typical sibling behaviour, tsk. I saw Q look at a guy, i think him name was floe? not sure. "Spill, i see you looking at him", i said, sounding happy. "His name is Florian, he's perfect, i think i like him", "well good for you, im cupid 2.0, ive learnt a thing or two living with the Covey family for years", i replied laughing. "Go sit with him, i think he likes you too", i saw Florian checking Q out, they'd make a hot couple. "Proffersor Finnerty, i would like a new lab partner, Portland stalker is in remedial classes", Minho said dramatically, this guy was something else. I heard Kitty hum a song, it was poopy baby!! I looked at her, confused at why she would hum poopy baby out of no where. "Its him, he's poopy baby", Kitty said pointing at Minho, the whole class started laughing, cute. "okay you can change lab partners", Alex said chuckling too. I went and sat with Minho, i didn't thank him properly before. "Hey", "hey are you better now?, he asked sounding concerned. "Yeah, i just don't want to deal with Blake drama right now, its messed up", "thanks a lot Minho, if you didn't come on time i don't know what would have happened by now, so thank you", i gave him a smile, he smiled and said no problem, "just inform me immediately if he does anything, ill kill him", Minho said, was he being possesive and supportive? "You sound like my boyfriend, let me know!!", "micheoseo?", (Crazy?) he said laughing, i just laughed with him, he's not bad after all, sweet caring raccoon. We attended classes and it was night time, Kitty was taking a picture, 11th grade picture. You see, it was a tradition in the Covey family, new grade, new picture, i found it really sweet. Q entered and helped Kitty take pictures, "you both okay? A lot happened today", Q asked sounding concerned. Aww. "yeah, all good, for now!", I replied not wanted to say anything else. "Im not going to cry, time here has been a mess", i felt bad for Kitty, she came here to surprise Dae but she got her heart broken, and so much more. "Florian followed me on insta today!!", Q said, diffusing the sadness around, "OMG REALLY!!", kitty and i said and looked at him with huge gummy smiles, i was so happy for him!!. Q moved ahead to hug us and in the process of that, he dropped a box, and a baby bracelet fell out. "I didn't know you were born in korea, kitty?" Q said, "I wasn't, y/n was born here", Kitty said. "That's my mom's name, in Korean. August 12th 1993, oh my god!!", Kitty said, it didn't match any of the Song girls date of birth, so who was born here? "Omg", kitty said, "omg kitty what", Q said, was she thinking what i was thinking?? "I think my mom had a baby here...", dead silence after what kitty had said. What happene to the baby? Who was the dad if it wasn't Mr. Covey? KISS you never fail to surprise us.
1862 words, hope you guys like the story so far!! i was planning to update yesterday, but i had way too many classes, sorry, enjoy!! 💗🥹
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