scream's and pool pusher's!.... :D

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i was holding hands with harry and looking around nervously, searching the yard for lexy and danielle, harry looked at me and whispered," i dont see them anywhere," i didn't say anything, we were standing around the pool along with the boys and danielle peazer and eleanor, all of a sudden i was pushed into the pool, i had no time to get my scream out, as i went under water i had my mouth open and someone had grabbed my ankle, i was drowning..

       (Harry's P.O.V)

me and christina were looking out for danielle and lexy, i looked at christina and whispered into her ear," i don't see them anywhere," she said nothing while looking around nervously, i looked to my side and all of a sudden i didn't feel christina's hand anymore, i turned around quickly just to see her getting pushed into the pool just about to scream but before she did scream she went into the water, then i saw danielle jump into the pool but as the water cleared i saw danielle was not helping mia, she was grabbing her ankle, i gasped and jumped into the pool..

      (Christina's P.O.V)

i was chokeing on water when all of a sudden it went all black.

(Harry's P.O.V)

As i went under water i could see danielle so i swam to them and pushed her away and then that was when i noticed that christina was unconsious, i grabbed her body and swam to the shallow end and out onto the ground, i set christina on the ground and started to do C.P.R finally after a few minutes she coughed and spit water out, i pushed lexy away and looked at christina, she was looking around in horror, all of a sudden she started to cry, i hugged her and glared at danielle and lexy, they looked sad, good they should feel bad, they nearly killed her, i was trying to calm her down but she was freaking out, i was rubbing her back while shhhhh'ing her to calm her down, after 20 minutes she finally calmed down, she looked at me and said," thank you," she hugged me and then i  helped her up and we walked in holding hands.

      (Christina's P.O.V)

all of a sudden i coughed and spit out water and opened my eyes, i saw harry, he had a worried look on his face, i looked around, all of a sudden i went into panic mode, i nearly died, all because someone grabbed my ankle, i was freaking out even more, harry was hugging me while rubbing my back and shhhhhhh'ing me, after 20 minutes i calmed down, i looked at him and said," thank you," i hugged him and he helped me up, we walked to the kitchen holding hands, i grabbed a bag of chips and started to eat, once i was finnished i looked at harry just as lexy and danielle walked in, harry glared at them and said," back off danielle and lexy you nearly killed christina," i glared at them, they had a sad face and then they pleaded," sorry please do you forgive us?" i looked at them and sighed," i guess just dont do that again," they squeeled and rushed to hug me, i gasped and hugged them back, i looked at harry and he was frowning, i frowned and did the handmotion that meant are you okay? and mouthed it, he nodded his head, once they were done lexy and danielle went back out to the pool, i just stayed inside considering the fact that harry was upset about something.

               I got up out of the chair and went to Harry,I looked into his eyes and asked," are you ok? you seemed a little mad,"

   He looked into my eyes and said," yeah i am ok, i was just worried if you were ok,"

        i smiled and said," yeah im fine i had some chips, im not hurt, so cheer up babe!" i stood on my tippy toes and kissed him, it was a long and ligering kiss, i pulled away and smiled at him, i grabbed his hand and pulled him outside to get in the pool or jacuzi, i looked at him with a questioning look,"what do you want to get in?" he pulled me over to the hot tub and i got in sitting down, he sat down next to me and put his arm around me, i cuddled into him and relaxed, after an hour me and harry got out, he started to walk towards the chairs but i was gonna do something else, i let go of his hand and backed up as far as i could from the deep end, harry looked at me and was smiling, i ran and did a cannonball into the deep end, when i came back up i noticed harry was in the pool, i swam over to him and whispered," hello sexy,"

                 he turned arround and pulled me into him, i giggled and kissed him, it turned into a full on snogging session....



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