Chapter 2 ~ leaving Nockfell

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Travis carefully made his way to Addison Apartments. He was glad that Sal would come with him, but he couldn't help but feel like he was ripping him from his home. But he continued his way to Sal's apartment, knowing that if he left without him, Sal would come after him anyway.

What did Travis do to be blessed with such a loyal boyfriend?

Travis knocked on the door of apartment 402, and he heard what sounded like someone tripping over something from inside. The door was ripped open, and there stood Sal, holding Gizmo.

"Travis?!" Sal exclaimed. Travis was still bleeding and bruised, and he looked awful. "Come inside." He said. Travis came in and hugged the small boy. "Come on, I'll clean you up." Sal said.

Travis sat on the bathroom sink as Sal cleaned his wounds. Travis stared into his boyfriend's eyes. Sal finished and smiled at the taller boy who got off of the bathroom sink.

"Thank you, Sally." The blond said.

"You're welcome, Trav." Sal grabbed his hand and led him over to where Gizmo was lying on Sal's packed bag. Travis giggled at the sight but then turned to Sal with a serious look on his bruised face.

"Are you sure about this, Sal? I can go alone." Travis asked. Sal reached up and cradled Travis' face in his hand.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Travvy. I'm coming." Sal smiled at him.

"God, I love you." Travis said.

"I love you too." Sal kissed Travis before adjusting his prosthetic back on his face.

The two boys and chubby orange cat made their way downstairs. As they were about to exit the Apartments' doors, they heard a "Wait!" Come from behind them as they heard the elevator's doors open. They turned around to see Larry standing their, holding his backpack.

"I'm coming with you guys." Larry said, walking towards the couple and their cat. Travis looked towards Sal with a 'really?' Look on his face.

"What? I couldn't leave without telling Larry! He's my best friend." Sal defended himself. Travis rolled his eyes.

"Why do you wanna come?" Travis asked the metal head.

"Sal's my best friend. And I may not like you all that much, but we were friends when we were children, so you're not leaving without me." Larry stated. Travis sighed. "Besides, I'm the only one of us with a car. Admit it, you need me."

"We don't need you." Travis started. Larry pouted. "But you can come if you want. But just so you know, we're not coming back."

"I know. But I'm 18. Legally, I'm the only one of us who can leave." Larry said. "Come on, get in the car." He opened up his van's trunk, and they all put their bags inside. Larry got in the front seat while Travis and Sal took the back seat, Gizmo chilling on Travis' lap. "Everyone ready to go?" Larry asked. Travis looked at Sal again.

"Let's go." Sal said. "Everything will be okay." He whispered to Travis.

"We're really doing this, huh?" Travis said.

"Yep, we really are." Sal said.

"We don't even know where we're going..." Travis realized.

"That's what makes it fun!" Larry said from the front seat.

"I never thought I'd escape Nockfell." Travis commented.

"Are you nervous?" Sal asked his boyfriend.

"Extremely." Travis answered. Larry started driving out of the parking lot.

"Everything will be okay, babe." Sal tried to comfort him. Travis just nodded in response. He looked out the window at the passing houses, trying to imagine his life outside of this small town.

30 minutes later and they passed by Nockfell's town sign. Sal looked over at Travis to see his leg shaking up and down. He put his hand over Travis' leg.

"Calm down, babe. We're okay. We just crossed the town line." Sal soothed his partner.

"I'll be calm once we cross STATE lines." Travis said back, biting his nails. Sal sighed but understood how Travis was feeling. Travis' phone rang in the silence. He too k it out of his pocket to see that it was his father calling. He looked at Sal with worried eyes.

"What's wrong, Trav?" Sal asked, his hand still on Travis' thigh.

"My father is calling. I guess he figured out that I left." Travis answered.

"Don't worry. He can't reach you out here." Sal comforted.

"Yeah..." Travis said. "How long before we reach state lines?" He asked Larry.

"Like 2 hours? I think." Larry answered the shaken blond. "I'm stopping at a gas station, though. I need an energy drink if you want to get out of state tonight." Travis nodded. Larry pulled into a gas station and got out.

"Let's get some snacks!" Sal said, unbuckling his seatbelt and leaving the car. Travis followed behind, going into the little convenience store. Sal was already by the candy, picking out some. Travis came and joined him.

They started picking out road trip snacks together, laughing and having fun. Larry looked at the two as he stood in line and smiled. He was glad that Travis was relaxing some.

Travis and Sal picked out a selection of candy and chips and got in line behind Larry to pay. Travis paid, despite Sal trying to protest, and the three boys went back to the van.

They sat back down in their seats, and Travis interrupted Gizmo's sleep as he moved him so he could sit down. Gizmo meowed, very annoyed, but settled back down on the seat next to Travis. Sal sat down and opened a bag of chips, offering them to Travis, who took one.

"Everyone ready?" Larry asked. Travis and Sal agreed, and the three boys and orange cat were once again on their journey.

Words ~ 963
Published ~ 5/23/23

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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