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I sat in my car and bawled. I saw Georgia pull out in her Lincoln, and I cried even harder. If I wouldn't of come back he'd be happy and would be happily married to her. But then again if I hadn't of she would of ruined his life. But I ruined his first. So he probably hates me. It started raining so I decided to head back home.

As I was backing out, I saw Jack running towards me. My window was barely open and I heard him calling my name. I stopped the car and got out as he came I front of me.

"What's my favorite color?" He asked.

"W-what?" I choked out, the rain drenching my hair causing it to be in my face.

"Answer the damn question." He said.

"Blue.." I said.

"When's my birthday?"

"September 10th 1996.."

"7:43 pm" we both said.

"And don't even ask me how much you make in a year because I can't even remember how much I make." I laughed.

"I love you Britteny." He said.

I looked up at him. "But I broke you.." I whispered.

"I broke us, you didn nothing wrong, I was the one who cheTed and then realized that you were the one for me..I hurt you and then you moved on and so did I. But I sure as hell know that Nate meant barely as much as I meant to you. And I understand if you don't love me anymore, but I realized why I moved on and it's because I wanted nothing more than you to be in my arms again and to have you sleeping in my bed and all of that and I wan-"

"I love you Jack. I never ever stopped." I cut him off.

He grabbed me by my waist and kissed me. I've been waiting for this moment for almost 5 years. Everything was so unreal...

I have my Jack back..

-1 week later-

Me and jack are back to normal. Almost. We've been hanging out a lot more and today I decided to ask him a serious question.

I walked into his apartment and sat on the couch next to Sammy.

"Hey shortie." He smiled at me.

"Hey, is Jack here?" I asked.

" nah he had to go to the office, big court deal he had to settle out with another company who's suing them." He said, not quite understanding the words coming out of his mouth.

"Oh, well can I ask you something then?" I said.


"Do you think it's too soon to ask Jack to move in with me?" I said lowly.

"Want my honest opinion?"he asked.

I nodded fast.

"You should of asked him yesterday." He said.

"Why?" I asked, my palms getting sweaty.

"So he would have a little more time to pack." He joked.

I punched him in the arm."Jesus kid.." I said, almost crying.

He laughed. "But wait until he asks you out." He said.

"What?" I said, sitting up.

His face went pale. "N-nothing."

"Is he really?" I smiled to myself.

"You didn't hear it from me though." He said.

I smiled once again and went to his room.

I went to his room to see if it still looked the same, and because I saw the other guys rooms already.

When I walked in I was instantly hit with the smell of his cologne. I saw it on the dresser and looked at it. There it was. The first one I ever bought him, with the note underneath it.

"Jack, I love this stuff so obviously you should too, love Britt xoxo"

It was the same bottle from five years ago.. I looked at the current one he had and it was the same brand, scent and design on the bottle.

I smiled and walked to his closet, all of his hoodie and hats were tucked away in a box and hanging in his closet were a bunch of nice dress shirts and suits and ties, and all of his vans were in a box on top of the shelf, and he barely touched them. I went over to his desk and papers were scattered everywhere, but there was one thing that caught my eye.

The ring I threw at him the night I broke up with him.


He handed me the few bags I had gotten him earlier, and I snatched them out of his hand. I took the ring he gave me a while back and threw it at him. "I don't want you back." I said, walking out the door. I slammed it behind me.

I slowly picked up the ring that was next to a little box, and played with it in my fingers. "He kept it all these years?" I asked myself.

"Didn't have the guts to get rid of it." Jack said.

I spun around and nearly dropped the ring.

"I-I was just"

"It's fine." He smiled.

I set the ring back down on the desk.

"No, keep it, it's yours." He said.

I smiled and grabbed it. I put it in the palm of my hand and stared at it. Still as beautiful as it was when I first got it.

Jack walked over to me and placed it slowly on my right hand ring finger.

I slowly played with it, spinning it and smiling. A tear fell from my eyes, and Jack lifted my head up so I was looking at him.

"I love you Britteny." He whispered.

He closed the small gap between us and kissed me like it was the last home he'd ever kiss me again.

It all felt so right, but it felt just a little bit wrong.

"Jack?" I asked pulling away.

"Yeah?" His forehead was against mine.

"I-Is this right?" I asked, closing my eyes.

He looked at me as I opened my eyes back up. "Youre not still dating Nate are you?" He said, his voice breaking.

"No, no, no, just like, you just broke it off with Georgia and I just got back..ya know..?" I searched for understanding in his eyes but all I got was heartbreak.

he pulled away. "God britteny, Ive been waiting for you for five years, and I thought you werent coming back, I broke it off with Georgia because I knew she wasnt the one. Youre the one." He said.

I stared at him. "really?" I said barely above a whisper.

"Really." He pulled me in again.

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