Man's Best Friend

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In the morning, James arised, he yawned and he got up with an empty stomach as he felt light headed again. He felt weak and kind of stupid, he wondered if he looked pathetic. He looked around and he rolled his eyes, soon he went back upstairs with his switchblade, killing off both of the shameful creatures and went back downstairs to pack and leave. James felt a heavy feeling on his chest as he left the building. He felt lost and as if he had nowhere to go but that was just the truth of it. He was lost, he didn't have anywhere to go. And that's what pissed him off the most, he was stupid enough to just wander but he mumbled under his breath and he sighed shakily but he rolled his eyes again and continued walking down Westward. He didn't know why he wanted to go West but he just did. After awhile of walking he decided to take a break on the side of a highway in the middle of nowhere. He started practicing with his gun and knife and he started practicing in his agility aswell. He felt exhausted after that and just kept walking, maybe it was best to jist walk without any motive. If he was stopped then there'd be nothing to lose anyway. After awhile he walked so long he came across a forest bed. He decided to stay there for the rest of the day not really caring if he got to wherever he was going early. So he stayed in the forest practicing with his bow and eating squirrel and bird. James soon just layed back on the grass and looked at the sky. He soon closed his eyes and the sa.e dream happened again.. tag.. smile.. hide.. laugh... BAM! Fear.. dread.. anger...

James looked around and his eyebrows furrowed that's why he was so lost. He was fucking pissed, more then pissed he was fucking feral.over the thought that someone fucking murdered his sister and he was wanting revenge. He didn't know why he went West but I suppose it's what his gut told him to do. He soon passed put for awhile, but because of his light sleeping, it didn't last long as small feet were heard in the distance. He got up holding his pistol as he circled around.
Soon a small brown puppy was seen and he lowered his weapon, putting it in his holster. "Aw.. buddy... I almost shot you in the middle of that cute face of yours~" James smiled as he bent down to beckon the pup. It was reluctant at first but soon walked up to him and barked in a high pitched yip and James smiled as he picked it up. "Now, you're names gonna be.." He flipped it upside down to check something and he smiled "Vee.." He smiled warmly, he soon opened the pocket in his bag, pitting Vee in the bag with a whole and she stuck her head out, yapping every now and then and he smiled as he walked.

Two Years Later

After he found Vee the two grew together well. Vee is now all grown up and James is now 16, they were on a scavenging trip and James couldn't reach a ladder, he whistled quietly and Vee came over, James helped her up and she kicked down the ladder and she jumped up to the roof of the building. James smiled as he made it up, petting her and giving her a treat. "Good job, Vee." He soon put his bandana back on and he looked around. Setting up he jumped to a different building top and he whistled for Vee to follow. She jumped and James had his hands ready and she began to fall short. He reached his hands put toward sher and her claws cinched onto his padded jacket and he smiled as he lifted her up. The two then went down inside the building and he looked around and he soon saw a gun store. The only thing is.. the store was stocked full of grenades "Holy... shit!" He paused before grabbing at least a dozen and tons of bullets. He put them in specific spots and he smiled warmly at Vee. "C'mon girl!" He patted his leg for her to follow and she did so. They explored the building finding all kinds of stuff, James ended up getting Vee a dog toy she could play with when they weren't busy doing other stuff.
When they entered a hardware store Vee started to growl amd James got ready in case something were to happen. He got his gun out and searched the area. Theory problem was there was infected stuck to the wall but it wasn't much and he whistled at Vee, to calm her down. She looked at him and snorted softly before following him. After awhile of exploring the two went to the top floor. James put out a sleeping bag and threw Vee's toy to her as she played with it. He smiled and rested for awhile and then made dinner for the both of them. He smiled at Vee and once she was done eating he looked around once more. He was exhausted but he didn't feel like sleeping just yet. He felt it would be restless and he wouldn't be able to stay asleep long anyway. While he looked around he found a couple books, so he decided to read for awhile. It wasn't much but it definitely passed the time and when he was done reading he saw Vee passed out. He smiled and soon layed down himself. James was soon awakened, however by Vee, growling at the door, he got up quickly, holding his rifle at the door handle, ready to shoot but soon a man and a young girl came into the apartment and Vee started to growl and bark at them. "Who the hell are you?" He asked, and the man raised his rifle aswell "I could ask you the same thing."


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