Female! Rarity x Sad! Female! Reader

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(A/N: If you don't know how I do by now you got a problem XD)

Warning! I have alone issues so some things may seem exaggerated but this is how I would honestly act so.... yeah :3


Your POV

You slowly walked up the slightly muddy hill, wanting to see it for your own e/c eyes. You didn't believe them.... You couldn't believe them.. There was no doubt in your mind that this had to be some sick joke... just some sick twisted joke... The rain that, just two seconds ago, was just a trickle was now pounding hard onto the small concrete path up the hill, making it more difficult to walk. You finally made it too the top and immediately wished you hadn't. If you hadn't you could have just lied to yourself. But now... You ran to it, not caring about the mud flinging upwards from your running. You were now soaking with mud, it stuck on your h/c hair, making it turn a sickly brown but you kept running. You're heart caught in your throat as you read the stone. Your eyes, which were wet with the rain already, now dripped with tears as you sank to your knees. "No....." you said, barely audible above the pounding rain.

Rarity POV

'Please don't let her be here... I told Twilight not to let her come...' I thought, holding my umbrella a little tighter over me. I slightly cringed my nose at the mud that was now sticking to my new boots but tried my best to focus at the task at hand. 'I really hope she's not here... knowing her she'll be filthy... and crying...' I mentally sighed at the thought as I finally reached the steep, muddy hill. And there she was. A dirty, wet, crying mess on the ground. She was hunched over the grave with her forehead resting on it. "Y/n?" I asked gently, not wanting to have her lash out blindly from her pain.

Your POV

"Tell me it's not true." you said quietly when you heard her voice. When she didn't answer you snapped. "TELL ME IT'S NOT!" you cried out looking up Rarity with hurt in your eyes. You looked down in shame from yelling at her, knowing none of it was her fault. "I'm sorry Rarity... I know it's not your fault... I just... didn't.." your heart caught in your throat again and you burst into tears on the grave again.

Rarity POV

To be honest I was a little stunned. Even in her state, the way she was feeling, she apologized. I held the umbrella over her, stopping her from getting even more wet... if that was even possible. I knew I couldn't rush her... she did just lose her sister after all. I quickly knew what I had to do and it didn't really bother me, even though most people would think it would, all that mattered right now was y/n. I sat down next to her, my hand sewn dress almost instantly sinking it the mud. I put my right arm around her while holding up the umbrella with my left.

Your POV

To be honest you were stunned. Rarity, someone everyone knows about because of her amazing dresses, just ruined her own dress. You started crying a little less when she put her arm around you and you quickly went closer to her, crying into her shoulder. You're arms seemed to move by their own as they went around her, hugging her gently while you cried.

Rarity POV

I didn't even notice when I dropped the umbrella. Or the sound of the rain, cracking around us on the ground. All I noticed was y/n. I quickly hugged her back, embracing her in a warm hug. Her wet hair stuck to my face but I didn't care at all. "Darling it's alright." I said, hugging her tighter. "I'm here for you."

Your POV

I don't think she'll ever understand how much that really meant to me. Those seven little words... Just... somehow made everything better. Eventually the rain stopped, not that we even noticed. I pulled back slowly from the hug and looked at Rarity. She was a complete mess. Her makeup was running down her face from the rain and her dress was soaked with mud. You guess you weren't much better, your outfit was coated too. You couldn't help a small laugh at the sight or you and her, completely messy. Suddenly you both broke out laughing until you were wheezing for breath. You sighed happily and looked up at her. "Thanks." you said simply.

Rarity POV

"You better be happy. I ruined my look for you." I said jokingly. What happened next kind of surprised me. I mean, it surprised her more of course but...

Your POV

You giggled a little, before looking up at the sky, it was almost dark, a few stars shined in the summer sky already. You were about to as if she could drive you home but she looked like she was about to say something. You waited expectantly, she seemed to be thinking about what to say. You were caught off guard when she grabbed your shoulder lightly, her eyes, for some reason, closed. "Rar-" you started but was interrupted as she pulled you closer gently. She leaned in closer, if possible, and pressed her lips to yours. She did it so softly, so sweetly, you just couldn't pull away. You didn't want to anyways. You quickly kissed back.

Rarity POV

'...I'm....kissing....y/n...' I thought, simply shocked by my own actions. I was so happy when she kissed back I felt like crying! My hands fell from her shoulders as we both pulled away with smiles. "So... um..." she said awkwardly, blushing furiously. "That was amazing." I looked at her, muddy, soaking wet, figure. She was a complete mess. And I wouldn't have it any other way. "Hey y/n?" I asked. "Hmm?" she answered more than asked, trying to stand up on the slippery ground. I stood up with ease, thank my fabulous and muddy boots for that, and helped steady her. "I love you darling."

Your POV

"I love you too."

(...................Someone read my crap and requested this...........HOPE I DIDN'T DISAPPOINT TOO MUCH!!!! All I can say really is that I tried my best so... yeah....................If you have any requests please have it in like... female!blah blah blah applejackx female! blah blah blah reader. Or yaoi. Or "normal." Whatever the heck that even means :/ Anyways so yeah. Please request and um.... see ya later!)

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