Chapter 13: A fight

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I calmly knocked on Hendrickson's office door, Gil said he wanted to talk to me.

"Come in." I can hear him say through the door.

"What do you want?" I sigh walking in before I notice Helbram is there. "Oh, why am I not surprised?" He scoffs. Last time we talked we had a bit of an argument...

The argument:

"YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!!" I cover up my bleeding shoulder with my hand not dropping my scythe.

"No, I didn't." Helbram's arms are crossed and he's not looking at me, however you can hear him snickering.

"YES YOU-" I get frustrated and send my scythe towards him.

"OW! HEY!" It cuts his ear as he dodges my scythe.

"YOU DID!" I pull my scythe back annoyed. He glares at me.

"Listen human this is getting tiring."

"WHAT'D YOU CALL ME!?" I throw my scythe again this time he dodges it fully before sending him blade straight to my throat.


"YES!" Using my scythe I shove his blade away, now its who has more force wins what was supposed to be innocent sparing but quickly turned into a fight. "HUMANS ARE DISGUSTING DON'T CALL ME ONE!"

"WELL AT LEAST THE HUMANS KNOW HOW BAD THEY ARE!" Helbram grinds his teeth together trying to pull more power from the holy knights to win this altercation. He smirks for a second. "HUMAN!" He says it like it's the worst insult imaginable.


"WHAT?" He snaps back, I send his blade flying up and his eyes follow it for a second and by the time he's glanced back down I've already completed a spell.

"MAGIC CONCEAL!" I lock his magic away for a few minutes which instantly causes him to switch from levitating to using his wings.




Uh... yeah it was a fun argument, turns out we both can get a little competitive, little too much competition...

"I'll be gone for a few days, there's something that requires my attention." Hendrickson replies.

"Don't tell me-" I mumble quietly under my breath.

"I'd like you to stay with Helbram while I'm gone."

"Goddamnit!" I turn around and walk out, leaving Hendrickson confused and Helbram laughing. After annoyingly walking for a few minutes, I pass by Gil and Howey.

"Who're you planning on murder today?" Howey jokes seeing how upset I look. I pause and turn around.

"Hendrickson's going on a mission for a few days!" I shake my hands trying to insinuate how annoyed I am.

"What? He dragging you with him or something? Why are you so upset about that?" Howey crosses his arms, but he has a smile on his face.

"He's forcing me to-"

"There you are." Helbram interrupts.

"Master Helbram." Gil turns around going to say something else but is cut off by Helbram himself.

"You know it's very rude to walk out in the middle of a conversation."

"I don't need a babysitter." I cross my arms pouting.

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