Keep a Secret. *Angsty*

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Hiding your relationship sucks ass. Especially with a Dauntless leader. I mean for almost a year it has been sneaking around, hidden touched and longing. I am sitting in the Canteen right now watching Will and Christina snuggled against each other. After initiation they haven't stopped their relationship if anything it sprung it alive even more. Even Tris and Four have made public their relationship. But Eric? He would rather keep it a secert. I am so tired of hiding.

I pushed my food around my plate not hungry at all. If he wanted to really he with he wouldn't hide me. He says it is for my protection. He says he has a lot of enemy. But I think he doesn't want to give up his bad boy, fuckboy reputation.

I sighed stand walking my barley eaten food to the trash. It seems like the more i walked back to my apartment the more couples. It really sucks not being able to show affection to the one man I love. Eric knows that I am really affectionate. It is my love language. I love cuddling, holding hands. Even just sitting next to me while we watch a movie makes me happy.

Maybe it is because of that. Eric has never been overly affectionate. He froze the first time I held his hand or cuddled up next to him on the couch. Maybe he doesn't want to show that in public. Maybe he doesn't want to be seen with me. I was third in my initiations and I work in the intelligence team that goes out on undercover missions. So it is not like I am not a good dauntless. Maybe it is because I am an Amity transfer? I sighed and opened my door. Sitting on my couch was Eric. Right now I really regret giving him a key. He looked up from his book and smiled at me. I smilrd back slightly and threw my keys on the side table next to my small plotted plant. I need to water them.

"How was your day?" Eric asked as I walked towards the kitchen with my small blue watering can.

"Fine. We are going out on a mission tommrow. The Factionless are started fires along the wall." I said as I filled the can. Eric got up and sat on the counter next to me.

"Are you okay with going? You just got back a few days ago." He said reacing out to thumb my cheek. I pulled away and shut off yhe water. He looked confused as he followed me with his gaze.

"It is work isn't. I don't get the luxury of saying no. Max gives orders and I follow." I said pouring water into the plant next to the couch. I have plants everywhere. I have a small herb garden in my kitchen and various plants around my studio.

"I can talk to him." Eric suggested.

"And say what? 'Hey max my girlfriend that I have been keeping a secert for 9 months is tired of going on missions. Can you giver her a break'?" I snipped as I went from one plant to the next.

"No. Not neccesarily that." Eric said almost sounding guilty.

"Then what would you have said Eric?" I snipped turning to stare at him.

"I don't know. Maybe I could convince him to send Fours team out instead?" He suggested coming to stand in front of me.

"You know Four's team isn't as good as mine. He has Peter and Tris on his team. All three of them are always bickering. We need a focused team. Which is why you cannot stay here tonight." I told him and walked a way from him.

"What? Since when?" He asked surprise.

"Since now. I cannot focus with you here. I need a good nights sleep and i am getting up at 4. I don't need to stress about Will coming up and find you sneaking out. You want to keep this a secert then you get the punishment." I snipped setting down the water town and staring at him with a try me look.

"So because I want to keep us a secert you are kicking me out." He snipped.

"No. I am asking my boyfriend to respect my wishes and maybe think about why he doesn't want to be seen with his girlfriend. Now leave." I said and walked into my bathroom. I sighed when I heard my front door slam. I sat in the shower crying until I literally couldn't any more. I hate being a secert. I feel like I am not good enough for Eric. Why else would he keep me a secert. He tells me loves me yet wants to keep our relationship in the confines of his or my apartments. I would totally understand if he didn't want to be overly affectionate in public like he is when we are alone but to keep us competely a secert is hurting me more than it is hurting him.

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