I can fight.

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I smooth the tiny black dress as I finish my look for the night out. I spin halfway around seeing the light glimmer off the sparkles. I unpin my hair and fluff it out so it hung around my shoulders. I slipped in the 4inch heels that Marlene bought for me earlier. As a birthday present. I looker up and saw Eric walked in and leaned against the door way.

I turned to Eric as he watched me. He stood there with almost a scowl on his face and his arms crossed.

"What? You don't like it?'' I asked doing a twirl with a smirk.

''I love it. I'd rather see it on our bedroom floor.'' He said stepping forward and reached forward to grab my ass pulling me against him.

He kissed my lips quickly before looking down at my cleavage on display. He leaned down and left open mouth kisses on either breast. I giggled as he sucked hard in my left one.

''It isn't too short?'' I asked moving his head up to meet my eyes.

"It is. But I can fight.'' He said and smacked my ass before letting me go. I smiled as he grabbed my hand and he pulled me down to the pit.

We danced and danced until I couldn't stand to be in the heels anymore. If dauntless knew anything it was to have a wicked night life.


This was just a little fun idea I had. Sorry it is so short.

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