Toxic *smutty*

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I slump against Eric chest panting. Both of us sweaty from our fucking. I took the moment in for as long as I could because soon he will leave. For another womens arms.

After 2 years of being together Eric wanted to try Poly and I didn't. After the second fight I ended things. If he didn't think I was enough then he didn't deserve me. That was 6 months ago. He is now slutting around and then coming to me a few nights a week. We either fuck or act like a normal couple. Which fucking sucks because I try to date other people but Eric has made it very clear I was his even when he doesn't want to be mine.

I felt Eric shift out of me and he rolled me off of him. I sighed and pulled the blanket over me. I have tried to stop the feeling of being used but I never can. He will leave without a word to me and It breaks me a little more each time. But today I have to stand up and tell him no more.

I watch him dress and before he gets to the door I speak up causing him to stop.

"This is the last time." I whispered but loud enough for him to hear over my small apartment. He turned surprised.

"Excuse me?" He said walking back to the bed. I held the blanket tighter as if that would protect me from his angry face.

"I am tired of feeling this way. No more." I said trying to keep my voice firm.

"You are mine. I get to say when we are done." He said deadly.

"NO. I am not yours. We made the decision 6 months ago that I wasn't. You didn't think I was good enough for you." I yelled and that made him step back. He looked like I had slapped him.

"And your actions these last few months have made me realized that you never thought I was enough. If you did I would not feel this way. I would feel loved. YOU would tell me that you loved me. But you never do." I yell and got up pushing him back.

"I never thought I could feel anything but Love towards you but I do. I hate you but I love you. And I hate myself so much for loving you. You need to leave now." I screamed pushing him towards the door before turning and running to the bathroom. I slid down the door and sobbed as I heard the door close.


It has been a week since I have heard from Eric. It sucks ass but I know that it is better for me. But rumors have surfaced that he has ended all his fuckbuddy relationships but I don't really believe that especially since Eric can't go one day without sex.

I am in the middle of training an inuitate when Eric walked into the gym. I ignored him and went back to helping the guy throw a punch. I felt Eric's eyes on me bit I ignore him. I am competely done and I am not giving him anything.

"You need to twist your hand slightly when you punch and don
tuck your thumb or you will break it and end up factionless with an injury like that." i threatened and walked away. I walked past Eric and was stopped by him grabbing my arm harshly.

"Trying to make me jealous?" he snarled in my ear.

"Doing my job is now making you jealous? You are so pathetic." I said and yanked my arm away.

"Don't you dare say that." He said angrily.

"You don't control me anymore. And you are a pathetic little man who's feeling scared him enough to make the women he supposedly love leave him. How does it feel Eric? Knowing you will never have me again?" I taunt before walking away.

I felt him watching as I walked away. Good he can see what he has lost. I hate that I love him still but if he wants me he will prove that he does.

These taunts went on another week before Eric showed up at my apartment drunk off his ass crying. I let him in and made sure no one saw him. He would be pissed if someone saw him cry.

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