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“Remember this day….” 

The words echo loudly as the young girl smiles at Masyra, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

“This is all meant for you…..”

The sight of the young girl’s head being cut off and now rolling on the cobblestone as her body fell unto the cold ground as it bleeds.

“For you…”

The young girl’s head stopped rolling as it faces Masyra’s direction and the young lady then wakes up from a tormented dream and breathes heavily as her heart’s thumping loudly and the sun shines brightly across her room. 

It has been 4 years since the uprising of The Redemption happened yet all the memory hunts the princess's mind like a fresh wound being reap daily. The numerous deaths that have occurred, from the innocents to sinners, were all remembered by the young princess and she has to bear it all. She has to remember their faces as that is the only thing she could do to give justice to their deaths and to acknowledge their sacrifices, yet this is all heavy for a princess to endure.

The sound of the horn which signals the arrival of a guest startles the young lady, she then walks towards the window and witnesses the carriage of the House Foresetti with its banners heading to the palace gates. Masyra then calls out her handmaidens and prepares herself to greet the respective Houses. 

Her chamber doors open and the young lady walks out wearing a long black silk dress with red laces on her bodice and at the end of her long sleeves and skirt. Jael then follows her as she headed downstairs.

“A fine day my princess,” Jael greets as they walk.

“A fine day to you too Sir Jael,” Masyra responded “And now‘s another day to do the duties I’m obliged into” 

Jael chuckles at his princess's complains and walks closer to Masyra and whispers “Would be a fine day to run away eh?” 

Masyra slaps Jael’s shoulder and the knight burst out laughing.

“Enough of your idiotic temptations”

“Temptations you cannot resist” Jael whispers at her again and this time Masyra shoves him lightly as her cheeks reddened and the knight felt victorious once again.

“Another word and I’ll rip—“

“Your Princess” 

The two halted in the hallway as Helena calls them. The handmaiden walks towards them with a disappointed face. 

“The Great Houses of Norwood have come over and now’s not the right time for both of you to bicker, do you both understand?”

The two of them nodded and Helena smiled in satisfaction “Now go to the Throne Room as the guests are waiting for you”

Masyra and Jael then walk away and upon recognizing the far distance from the handmaiden, the two bursts out laughing.

“And now’s not the right time for both of you to bicker, do you both understand?” Jael imitates with a feminine tone and Masyra hit him once again as she tried to hold her laughter at the empty hall. Upon reaching the gigantic doors of the Throne Room, Masyra’s smile faded as her face looks nervous before the opening of the doors, announcing the presence of the Princess.

At the distance, Masyra recognizes the House Foresetti by Lord Adam with his sleek hair shining through with his wife Lady Maria with their three children; Lord Edgar, Lady Beatrice, and Lady Amelia. 

Masyra greeted them with a smile as the Family perform their courtesy to the princess. Lord Edgar, with his well-built body and sleek hair same as his fathers’, kiss the young lady’s hand and the King and Lord Adam look at each other.

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