Chapter 12: Caught In A Sand Trap

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"Alert headquarters!" I yelled to my captains, "The attack on the Sand was a trap!"

As bombs went off in the cliff sides, shinobi under my commander were blown into the crater of my once beloved home. I grimaced as I looked at the desolate wasteland of the Sunagakure, leaving no trace that there even was once a village.

"Commander! A cloud shinobi spoke as he approached me with blood dripping from his hairline, "all communications are down!"

"Damn!" I cursed at myself.

Seeing my men and women being overwhelmed by the emerging forces of the enemy that rose from the sand below us, I deduced that we were outnumbered and outmatched.

"Magnet Release: Iron Sand Wall!" I summoned lifting my hands in the air creating protective walls around my fourth division.

As iron sand flew from my cloak, I maintained its strength as the enemies from the outside clawed inhumanly into the iron filled sands. I winced in annoyance as I saw them claw from the ground beneath the wall and to our side of the wall. As I maintained the 5 mile radius wall around me, I signaled for the shinobi around me to immobilize the emerging zetsu puppets. Using my sensory sand chakra, I sensed that every inch of my iron sand wall was surrounded by the enemy

"Expansion Jutsu!" Choji of the Hidden Leaf yelled as rolled into a boulder and took out a big group of the emerging puppets.

My eyes then drifted to the adjacent side of Choji to see Choban facing off against hordes and hoards of misshaping and disfigured puppets that had clawed their way through my wall. My heart sank as I pulled away my hand from hold on the south wall to aid him. As I reached my hand out I was surprised to notice him weaving rare kekkei tota handsignals.

"Plasma Release!" Choban shouted, smoothing his dark dreadlocks back, "Howling Torrent!"

Immediately my eyes widened to see him collecting plasma chakra in front of himself and launching the condensed plasma in a bright neon light. I squinted as the plasma light filled the 5 mile radius and destroyed everything that his beam touched. It was controlled and sophisticated. As he smirked at the obliterated zetsu puppets before him, I smirked at how capable and powerful he was.

Watching him leap up into the air, the air shifted as he cut through the air with his speed, destroying every enemy in his path like a lightning bolt. It was like a bright multicolored flash of neon light. Like looking straight into a prism, distorting everything that was close enough to him.

He then stopped next to his grandfather, exchanging a first bump before separating and continuing their own battles, aiding the shinobi around them.

Suddenly my eye flickered to the south wall to hear explosions coming from the other side. Were they trying to blow the side wall open? Clenching my stretched fingers in that direction, I closed on my eyes creating my Third Eye technique.

As my Third Eye searched that sector, I found a man staring at me with a smirk on his face. Stretching from his left cheek over his lip and down to his chin, was a distinctive scar. His attire was a high collared dual gold button-up black mid-sleeved kimono stretching just above his knees over black pants. Around his waist was a red sash, and on his hands, sporting black fingerless gloves. On his upper arm was an allied shinobi headband. Under his sleeves was long-sleeved mesh armor. On his back was strapped a giant folding fan and a pouch on his lower back. Over it all was a standard gray Hidden leaf flak jacket.


"Oi, Shinki," he smiled with hands in his pocket and standing in a casual manner.

My third eye then looked behind him to see Aunt Temari, Shikadami, and Shikadan engaged in fighting off the enemy.

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