Chapter 42: No More...

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Shielding my eyes, there was a flash of light, I saw Jougan call out in anger before disappearing. With that big bang, we were all on the ground at the border of the crater, Jougan was gone. Not even a sense of his chakra remained.

Looking at the wasteland that stretched around us, I frowned, noticing that Saruto's Purgatory jutsu was no longer active. My parents, my brother, everyone is gone. Suddenly, a hand placed itself on my shoulder, looking over, it was Sarada, a smile on her face.

"It's over Dad," she smiled.

I smiled back at her as I noticed Himawari helped Naruto to his feet. I don't know how but everyone was alive. Walking over to us, Himawari and Sarada exchanged a smile before Sarada frowned.

"Where's Saruto," she spoke as she searched the terrain frantically.

As we all looked around we saw him suspended in the air and then levitating himself down on a cliff a few kilometers away. Thank goodness. However, suddenly, we all looked on concerningly as he dropped to his knees and then fainted on the ground.

"Saruto," Sarada whispered before sprinting over to his position, Himawari quick to follow her.

As I turned to run after them, I felt a shift in chakra. Looking at the ground, I could see nature's energy being slowly drained, every form of life dying. Following the draining chakra signature, it led to Kawaki's cube at the epicenter of the crater.

Something was draining the planet's core. Turning my gaze over to the crater, I feel a presence approach from behind me. It was Naruto.

"Sasuke, what's wrong?"

"The planet is dying," I spoke as I analyzed the waves of chakra being sucked out of the ground.

Naruto widened as he came to realize.


Suddenly, pulses radiated from the cube. As it continued to blink like a heart beat, it sped up. Pulsing at inhuman speeds, it slowed before exploding in a haze of white chakra.

Immediately igniting my susanoo, I form a skeleton around Naruto and myself and avoid the white chakra in the air. Wanting for the white chakra dust to settle, I released my susanoo before the white chakra reached our bodies.

"What was that!" Naruto questions.

As I assess the origin of the explosion, I see Kaushiki in the middle with his hand pressed against the ground. Pulses of chakra being imbued into his body. This wasn't good. We watched as the ground began to crumble.

"How did he...without the chakra flower?" Naruto questioned once more.

I pondered on it as we watched him continue to pull the chakra from the planet's core. My eyes then widened.

"Saruto's blood," I remembered from our fight with the four generals when his left eye

was cut.

His blood must have fallen where Kaushiki had been incapacitated. He must've created the infinite chakra flower. With the infinite chakra flower, there is no need for the ten-tails or the god tree. He is immediately given the power of infinite chakra and the ability to take chakra from the planet's core. If we didn't stop him then the planet would die with everyone on it. Everyone would die.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye I could see a shift in the wind as the white chakra dust began to radiate off the ground. Seeing Naruto unknown to this, his eyes seemed focused on Kaushiki. As the white chakra dust swirled it began to form a single white chakra receptor.


Instantly, the white chakra receptor was sent towards where Naruto stood. Without a second thought, I activated my Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan,


Forming my Susanoo as I pushed him out of the way.

"Tsk," I scuffed as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Looking down I saw a white chakra receptor through my chest and my Susanoo only partially formed. I was too slow. My susanoo and sharingan then dissipated away and I felt as if the white chakra corrupted my chakra pathways.

Turning towards Naruto, I was met with a look of shock, his eyes widened as he looked towards me.


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