Chapter 13: Descendants of Kaguya

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"Captain Kyuna!" Moegi spoke with urgency as she entered the Medical tent, "We have First Division shinobi approaching the compound! Intelligence reports that Otsutsuki zetsu puppets are pursuing them!"

Looking at Kyuna using medical ninjutsu on a dead stone shinobi that was poisoned with white chakra, she seemed almost unaware that Moegi had entered the tent. With concern, I looked at her as she seemed wrapped up in her work, unable to multitask. Somehow I knew what she was thinking. Why her? Why did the death of her master, Sakura Uchiha, have to put her in this position? Why did she not have enough time to mourn?

As sweat dripped down her face, I walked over to where she was and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Kyuna..." I spoke softly which caused her to flinch with fear and look to address me, "You are the captain of this division, and we are all behind you."

As she looked onto me with her brown eyes, she quivered in fear before narrowing. She nodded and then looked to address Moegi.

"Understood," she said in confidence, "Alert Lady Shizune Kato that she has more wounded on her way."

"Yes, captain!" Moegi nodded before disappearing out of the tent.

Looking at the data that she had taken from the white chakra poison, her eyes widened as she looked at the screen.

"What is it?" I spoke with concern.

"Lord Sixth," she croaked, "I don't have much information on white chakra but from what my master had told me after examining Boruto Uzumaki's body after his... his death. It seems like a deadly virus that attacks the cells of the victim and almost immediately leaves them deceased depending on the point of poison."

As I looked at her with curiosity, she moved to a table where she peered into a microscope and studied the acquired blood sample from the dead shinobi.

"For instance, if the potion were to initially infect a limb, then the shinobi would have mere seconds to amputate the infected area before it reached a major artery and reached the heart. In the medical files on the late Lord Boruto Uzumaki, he was struck in the heart by the White Chakra poison, killing him instantly. In this shinobi, she was struck in the upper shoulder."

She then moved to the dead body with a chakra shielded hand and pointed at white veins that stretched from the point of impact to the heart. As her hand got closer, my eyes widened to see the white chakra react to the close proximity of her hand. She was quick to remove her hand to evade the attracted white chakra.

"Even with the host dead," she spoke in a horrified manner, "the white chakra still is alive, looking for its next host."

Looking at the dead shinori and the moving white chakra under its skin, I grew horrified with her conclusion.

Suddenly we flinch at the sound of a loud explosion outside. Immediately the cloud shinobi posted in the tent stood in front of her, protecting her from any attempted assassinations. Standing ready, I looked at an oncoming shinobi that had run into the compound. He was out of breath before he was able to address us.

"Captain Kyuna!" He spoke in tongues, "a white chakra bomb went off in the west tents from one of the deceased bodies!"

My eyes widened as I turned to Kyuna. Her eyes then widened as she looked at the dead shinobi on the medical table. On queue the deceased shinobi began to glow a bright white haze.

"Wood Release!" she yelled, clasping her hands together, "Hobi Technique!"

Pushing the shinobi in the tents outside the tent and out of range. In an instant, Kyuna quickly creates a dome-like structure in the form of a dragon's face, engulfing the dead shinobi bomb. The bomb shook the ground and structure. Shielding ourselves, we watched as the Wood technique held the bomb contained. Once the sound settled, we exchanged looks before she released the jutsu causing it to open like a cocoon. Inside the sight was horrific. The shinobi's organs and blood stained the wood in a white haze. It was like an open body experiment. Within seconds, it dissipated into dust, leaving no trace.

"Set up a perimeter and don't let anyone inside the Medical Compound grounds that is infected with white chakra!" I ordered the shocked shinobi guard, "Alert all medical shinobi to dispose of any white chakra poisoned patients."

Shaking back to reality, the shinobi guard ran outside the tent and relayed it to the rest of the shinobi guards.

"And!" Kyuna spoke still in shock at the near death experience, "Get me Moegi Kazamatsuri! We need to seal the bodies with Wood Style!"

The shinobi guard acknowledged her orders and continued to relay to the other shinobi guards.

"We must be onto something," Kyuna spoke softly.

"What?" I spoke with curiosity.

As she stared at the vacant medical table.

"Why else would Kaushiki set white chakra poisoned shinobi to explode? Getting rid of the evidence for future study."

I then grabbed my chin to think about her theory. It was flawed.

"Just to create more infected shinobi. To widen the death radius."

She then narrowed her eyes and walked over to her computer with data.

"On the surface, that's what you would think. But why didn't this proposed conclusion come from Lord Boruto Uzumaki?" Kyuna Senju questioned.

She was right. Why didn't he-

"He is using them as test subjects!" I was surprised.

Looking at me with her curtain bangs falling over her Byakugou. Frowning, she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Precisely," she pointed out.

Kaushiki Otsutsuki couldn't desecrate Boruto's body because he was of Otsutsuki blood. That means... That means he is trying to find a version of the white chakra that can kill an Otsutsuki.

"Look here," she said, pointing at the screen.

Walking over to the computer screen, she explained what I was looking at.

"This is Lord Boruto's DNA and the acquired white chakra poison," she said scrolling down the screen, "there is a 75 percent compatibility. Here is Lord Seventh's DNA. 50 percent compatibility. Princess Himawari, 50 percent compatibility, and her daughters, Tsuki and Haru, 50 percent compatibility. Lady Hinata, 25 percent. Lady Sarada and her father Sasuke Uchiha have a 25 percent compatibility. But I noticed there is an increase in compatibility by 15 percent in Sarada after acquiring the Byakugou of the Senja clan. I myself, have a compatibility of 15 percent. What do they all have in common?"

My eyes widened in shock as I had already come to a conclusion. It couldn't be..

"You are all descendents of Kaguya Otsutsuki," I concluded in shock.

Due to Kyuna's Senju blood, she was a descendent of Ashura Otsutsuki, therefore a descendent of Kaguya. As my mind raced, a horrible thought crossed my mind. I now understood Kaushiki's motives for this war. It was so obvious.

"Tell me," I said in a stoic manner, "What is Saruto Uzumaki-Uchiha compatibility?"

Her eyes widened as she searched through her data, before finding his file. Suddenly, her body shook as saw the numbers on the screen.

"What is it!" I questioned urgently.

Pulling her hand away from the computer mouse, she turned to me with a horrified look. The air grew stale as I was urgently curious about her answer.

"200 percent."

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