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Disclaimer: All events, places, and characters mentioned in this story are absolute fiction. Any similarities to the media are purely coincidental. Peter, Felix, Hook, Wendy, Tink, and whoever else, belongs to the Peter Pan and OUAT franchise and are not my characters. I do not own them and did not come up with them. I do however, own Asben. Some conversations may be from OUAT, I do not own the conversation used then. There will be a warning when such instances occur.

This story may contain themes such as mild language, violence, and sexual content. That being said, these are my ideas and are protected under the federal copyright law, so please do not steal or plagiarize them.

I hope you enjoy this story and please leave a comment or vote....or both. *wink wink nudge nudge*

Enough with the boring part, start reading my embarrassingly cringe worthy story! (If you still want to)

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