Secret Agents

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"I'm going to be Mystique!" Raven exclaimed, grinning.

"Damn, I wanted to be Mystique," Sean said jokingly, I rolled my eyes.

"Well, tough. I called it, " there was a rush of blue scales down her body and she turned into Sean, "and besides; I'm way more mysterious than you." I clapped along with the others, feeling more comfortable around them, but still uneasy. She then turned toward Darwin. "Darwin, what about you?"

"Well, Darwin is already a nickname, and you know it sorta fit; adapt to survive and all," he stated before getting up. "Check this out." Walking over to the fish tank he stuck his face in and gills formed on the side of his face, replacing his ears. We clapped as he pulled his head out. "Thank you, thank you. What about you?" He pointed at Sean.

After a couple seconds of him thinking he said, "I'm going to be... Banshee."

"Why do you want to be named after a wailing spirit?" Both Hank and I questioned at the same time.

"You might wanna cover your ears." He got up and crouched at the end of the tabled, facing the window. Looking over at Alex, he shrugged and covered his. I followed his actions shortly after. Sean looked around and sucked in a quick breath, aiming for the glasses on the tabled and let out a loud whistle, completely shattering the glass window in front of him.

"Whoa." I said quietly.

"Your turn," he says pointing at me.

"Well, first things first, I want my name to be Nomad, but," I shook my head, "I can't really do anything major without disappearing," I scanned the room and my sight landed on a bar in the corner of the room. "Hey Hank, can you get me a coke out the fridge?"

"Uh, sure." Hank replied cautiously as he got up.

As he turned to open the door I concentrated hard on the feeling of the glass bottle in my hand. "Mercy, there isn't any in-" a loud snapping noise interrupted his sentence. A bottle of coke appeared in my hand.

"I had no idea." I said sarcastically, smiling to see the comment elicit grins.

"So,you can teleport?" Alex asked looking at me. I shook my head no, taking a sip of my drink.

"I suppose it's like teleporting, but... I time travel. I'm not really from around here."

"So where are you from?" Darwin questioned me.

"Anywhere and everywhere." I smirked, winking at him. "What about you, Angel?" I asked the other girl.

"Well, my stage name is Angel," she says standing up and taking off her jacket. Sean wolf whistled, I shifted awkwardly in my seat. "It kinda fits," turning around a pair of wings come out of her back from the tattooes, "and um," she turned to the broken window and spat out an acid-like ball onto the head of the statue.

"Whoa," I whispered under my breath.

"What's your name?" Angel looked at Hank. He shifted, his body language showing he was uncomfortable.

"How about bigfoot," Alex joked. I gave a slight glare.

"Well, you know what they say about guys with big feet... and, uh, yours are kinda small." Raven comes to his defence with an icy tone.

"Shots fired," I smirked as Alex frowned. "Okay, okay, how about you Alex, what can you do?" I asked him.

"I, uh can't really do it in here." Alex stumbled over his words. I shook my head, then gesturing to the hole that was once a window. "Can you do it out there then? I mean, it's not like you can kill someone" I stood up, putting my drink down. "That is, unless, that is your power." He gave me a slightly nervous look. Then we all started chanting, egging him on, before he finally cracked under the pressure and started heading towards the window and into the courtyard. Everyone followed closely, eager to find out what exactly his mutation was; and why he was so nervous about it. I saw as I peeked around the corner to watch him he seemed slightly panicked and urged us to stay back, but we faked moving back and went back to our original positions.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever," he scoffed. Alex then started moving his hips in a sorta circular movement, which is kinda odd, but whatever works for him. Red rings started to form around him and they started firing away from his body. Not having a death wish, we all immediately duck for cover. As soon as the commotion stopped we looked into the courtyard. The statue was now sliced in half and there were burn marks from other rings that weren't quite as charged as the ones than the ones that hit the statue.

"That was sick!"I exclaimed, more excited than the other about his powers. Alex smirked at me. This was the first time in awhile that I felt safe, and today was going to be the most fun I've had in years. I have a really good feeling about this.


It was all a blur - but the next thing I knew there was loud music playing and Hank was hanging upside down on the chandelier. Raven and I were dancing on the couches with Angel flying around dancing in the air with us. I felt more at ease with them than I had in years. I never interacted with people because of my powers being unstable. I knew this could hurt me in the end, but I didn't care.

Sean ran at Darwin with a chair, smashing it on Darwin's back. I laughed stepping down and moving to stand beside Alex.

"Let me try," I gesture to the piece of pipe in his hand.

"Sure, knock yourself out." With Darwin's back facing me, I started hitting him.

"Harder! Harder!" He exclaimed to me as the metal hit against the scales on his back, my hair flying around with the effort I was putting in.

"What are you doing?" Moria yelled, taking me by surprise as I dropped the piece of metal on the ground. My wide eyes looked at the three standing outside of the room, in front of the broken window frame. I exhaled deeply, exhausted from swinging. "Who destroyed the statue?" She questioned angrily.

"It was Alex," Hank answered not wanting to get himself in trouble.

"No, Havok, it's Havok, that's his name, and we were thinking that you should be Professor X, and you should be Magneto." Raven pointed to the two men excitedly, not picking up on the trouble we're in.

"Exceptional." Erik rolled his eyes, I gave a thumbs up to the three, trying to be positive about the names. Moria, from what I could tell, was disgusted with us and walked away with Erik while Charles stayed behind.

"I expect more from you." He directed towards Raven before walking to join the other two.

"Well shit." I sighed twirling the pipe in my hand. "What are we gonna do now?"

My question was answered pretty quickly as some C.I.A agents came to escort us to another room. I walked beside Sean and Alex in the back as Darwin, Raven, Angel and Hank were all at the front silently walking, but I broke the silence after two minutes.

"So, any good movies come lately?"

"What?" Sean looked at me confused. I shrugged. "I gotta keep up with the times, all this time travelling makes it hard to keep up, like what disney movies has there been so far in the sixties?"

"101 dalmatians? I think? I don't know."

"Dude, come on!" I whined, "What about you Alex? Any good movies so far this decade."

"I haven't been able to see any movies yet Mercy." he said, plainly not really caring.

"You guys are no fun. I bet Raven knows some good movies." I walked faster, leaving them behind and joining the others in the room that we finally reached.

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