Chapter 8

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AN/ I'm back!!! Did you miss me?

Zerberus above ;) Image doesn't belong to me and rights aren't mine.

There's some +18 content below already yay! 

Happy?!!! Ready!?!



I looked down with a gasp and saw large, entirely human hands, sliding across my stomach until two muscular forearms with nice veins appeared, and... My back was pressed against something solid. A chest?

The skin was pale, no body hairs, but... silver scales! Shining, as if they had their own light inside, they were scattered randomly, covering only certain sections.

Something rubbed on the back of my neck, and deep breaths brushed my skin.

My reaction? Totally overwhelmed! How could I not!?

Electric sparks exploded everywhere my skin and... his touched. It was a male.

An indescribable smell invaded my nostrils, clogging my lungs.

When I heard him let out a weird, husky sound, I came back to my senses.

'A stranger is touching you inappropriately! You have a boyfriend!'

I jerked away and swirled around, taking a step backwards....

As I had assumed, the dragon was gone.

There was a man instead. Although 'man' did not seem appropriate.

I had to crane my neck since he was too, maybe, almost seven feet?

His face was enchanting, simply perfect, if you ignored the white horns, a miniature version of those of the dragon, and the pointy ears, that appeared from silver hair that fell across large shoulders.

However, the most inhuman trait, telling me he was something that belonged to the monsters, were his eyes: inhuman blue, surrounded by a red ring, with those disconcerting thin pupils.

They rose and met mine, after he had checked me out shamelessly.

"Oh..." I flushed a deep crimson when I noticed that all his sinewy muscles and silver scales were completely exposed.

"Look at you," He murmured huskily, "blushing."

His voice increased my blush even more.... And so did the extent of his grin.

The dragon-man reached out with his hand to cup my chin. I gasped, averting my eyes, while he growled under his breath.

"Let me see you."

I thought he meant my face. His fingers curled and tried to lift the hem of my shirt, but I smacked it away, just like I did with the dragon... And I stumbled backwards, to distance myself from him, and fell on my butt, just like I did with the dragon.

"Ah, what a sight." His full lips curved into a lazy grin, revealing straight white teeth, "A beautiful, delirious mate sprawled at my feet."

"I'm not your friend." I muttered, referring to his use of the word 'mate'.

He chuckled, "Never said you are."

"What..." I gulped, standing up and ignoring his help, "What do you, um, want?"

The reptile eyes locked with mine.

"Mate." He simply replied.

"...with me?"

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