Eyes On The Prize!

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"What can I say? I'm a ladies man. Everywhere I go, the ladies fall to my feet."

Brags Sonic to his other male friends as he points his thumb at himself, holding his nose high and a big smile.

The blue hedgehog is at the beach outside Central City, sharing a bench with his little buddy Tails and Vector, who is busy munching down a sandwich.

Next to them, is Silver floating in a relaxing pose in the air with his psychokinesis, while Mighty is resting on a towel as he lays on the sand. Ray and Charmy are building a sandcastle together. Next to Mighty under the shade of a palm tree is Espio meditating, while Shadow is leaning against the log of that palm tree with his arms crossed and eyes closed as he tries to shoot Sonic's blabbering out.

Knuckles wasn't there in person as he had to keep watch over the Master Emerald, so Tails had him up on a hologram from his watch so he could still be a part of their hang out.

"You know Sonic, you're not the only guy around that can woo the ladies. I myself can be quite the charmer."

Says Vector with a grin, showing off his teeth, and snout covered with ketchup from his sandwich.

"Yeaaah... maybe, if you clean yourself up first."

Said Sonic, not really impressed by the crocodile's words or grin.

"What do you mean by that, huh?"

Growls Vector at the blue hedgehog, clearly offended by his words.

"Dude, your face is covered with ketchup."

Says Knuckles from the hologram before he glances over his shoulder to check on the Master Emerald.

Tails pulls up a bag from below the bench and looks around in it till he finds a napkin that he hands to the crocodile.

"Oh, thanks buddy."

Says Vector as he takes the napkin to dry off his snout.

"But I agree with Vector. You aren't the only one that can get ladies to flock around you. Any girl would want a guy like me."

Says Knuckles as he returns his face to the hologram to see the other guys he is 'hanging out' with.

"Yeah? So why are you still single then?"

Asks Sonic with a mocking tone as he leans back a little and has his arms behind his head, grinning at the red echidna in the hologram.

"Hey! I know I can get a girl. I'm just single right now because I have to keep watch over the Master Emerald all the time."

Yells Knuckles at Sonic who is laughing at him.

"Don't you have Rouge? I thought you two were a thing."

Says Silver as he flies over Sonic and Tails's heads to get a better look at the hologram.

"She's only 'interested' in me because I got the Master Emerald."

Nags Knuckles, crossing his arms and looks to the side, annoyed over thinking about the white bat girl, who always tries to steal the big gem stone from under his nose. Yet he doesn't know that Rouge do have a soft spot for the echidna. She just sometimes uses the excuse she is there to steal the Master Emerald, but really is there to spend time with Knuckles.

"If anyone here is a ladies man, then it's Mighty."

Interrupt Ray out of nowhere, making the other guys look at the little squirrel, then over at Mighty who has lifted his head to look at his friend that now sat him in the spotlight.

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