Chapter II: The Senate Vote

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" My Master. Today is the day the senate will debate on who shall become the next Republic Chancellor. I have set certain Senators on our side to heavily increase the vote on my favor, but what happens if the Senate doesn't vote in our favor? " Sidious asked, sitting across from Lord Demise.

" We will simply have to alter the plan. If you don't become the Chancellor, perhaps Lord Plagueis could be swapped out. Or perhaps the Chancellor is assassinated, and you as their runner-up shall take his place. There are many possibilities, it's a matter of finding the one that will ensure our vision stays in motion, preferably away from the Jedi. " Darth Demise said.

" Master, I've seen your power many times, couldn't we simply wipe out the Jedi and stage it as a coup against the Republic? " Palpatine asked.

" You seem to be misunderstanding our ultimate goal. We could easily wipe the Jedi out, but I want them to suffer. I want them to realize far too late that we were always here, we were always the ones in control. I want them to know that their precious Code failed them, which is why Lord Plagueis has made the Jedi aware of one of the Nexus beings. " Darth Demise said.

" Wait, what?! Why would you let the Jedi have such a powerful ally? That could ruin our plans! " Sidious exclaimed. " Oh I highly doubt that. According to Plagueis and Lord Jinn, the boy is very emotional, and has many attachments. Attachments to his mother, to his friends, and one forming with Lord Jinn and his apprentice. The boy can be manipulated from the outside as well as in, just as Jinn turned Obi-Wan. In the meantime, Plagueis has brought me his brother, who I believe is even more powerful than the young boy Jinn brought before the Jedi. His Midichlorian count is reaching 30,000. " Darth Demise said.

" 30,000?! Is that even possible? I've heard of the Force creating strong warriors, and wounds like Sion and Nihilus, but even they never hit 20,000 midichlorians. " Sidious said, his expression one of pure shock.

" Believe me or not, it's true. The boy is the Sith'Ari, I'm sure of it. We must train him immediately, so he can reach his full potential. If we can do that, he will with no doubt defeat his Code-restricted brother with relative ease. If we can turn the other to us after his defeat, their is no way the Jedi can defeat us all in the end. " Demise said, cackling for a moment.

" I... See. Well than, it seems we cannot lose. We will rule the galaxy... " Sidious said, his voice full of worry.

" Something bothers you. What is it? " Demise asked.

" I-... When we take control of the galaxy ourselves, what is to happen for us? What I mean is, do we all l rule as one? Like a council? What is the endgame for me and your other apprentices? " Sidious asked.

" I believe a council is a fine idea. My only concern is the others. The loyalty of the others will be tested during our seizing of power. If they attempt to betray me, I may be alone in the fight against them. " Demise said, sitting in a chair.

" I will stand with you until the end, Lord Demise. " Darth Sidious said.

" You say that now Sidious, but in the end, your actions will speak far louder than your words will. Let us see if you will back those words up in the endgame. " Darth Demise said.

" You doubt my loyalty, my Lord? " Sidious asked, standing up.

" Always. I question all of my students loyalties, at all times. Betrayal is the way of the Sith, the way of the Dark Side, if you want to be extremely technical. " Demise said.

" We no longer follow the Rule of Two that caused the failure of so many powerful Sith. Why question the loyalty of those who have never done anything to make you question their loyalty to you? " Sidious asked.

" Because I have learned from my mistakes. I trusted Bane and ended up in a trap that included some Rancors, bull Rancors at that.
I trusted Zannah, only for her to train Darth Cognus in an attempt to eliminate me. Trust isn't an expendable pleasure the Sith have, no matter if your Allie's are Sith or simple scum such as Bounty Hunters. Trust can be broken quicker than any other bond, and it only causes issues in the end. This is something you must learn to realize, my young friend. The Rule of Two was the ultimate betrayal to the Sith, and Bane, Zannah, and Cognus paid the price for attempting to set such a foul rule in place. Questioning the loyalty of those closest to me has kept me alive for over a millennia, Sidious. As I said before, we will see how far and long your loyalty goes and lasts. Don't be surprised when your loyalty ends and I'm already there to finish you before you can kill me. " Demise said, his voice echoing throughout the cantina. Sidious shuttered slightly and looked at his Master.

" I... Shall go before the Senate now. The vote will begin soon. " Sidious said, hurrying out.


The grand senate building stood over many of the sky-reaching towers all around it. Palpatine walked through its large and beautifully structured hallways on his way to give his final speech in an attempt to become the new Republic Chancellor. He walked into a large room filled with thousands of hover platforms all around to hold the Senators of the Grand Republic. Each one was occupied by many different species as he got into a platform and made his way to the middle of the room.

" Senators and people of our wonderful and glorious Republic! My name is Sheev Palpatine, representing senator of the planet Naboo. I have come before you all in hopes of becoming the Chancellor of this amazing Republic! I want only to bring peace and democracy and freedom to...

The speech lasted for about 30 minutes, ending in thunderous applause. The senate meeting was adjourned and after only 2 hours of debate, Senator Palpatine was voted as the new Republic Chancellor with a term of 12 years....

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