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tom pov

my men have been looking for Y/N in and around the whole house

she was not here


where could she possibly be then?

i was worried as fuck, not only bc i love her to much to have her not besides me but also

bc Antonio is still after Y/N and she is not safe out there

i made a deal with her dad, and i never ever would break a promise to him

he trusts me with the live of his own daughter

i can't let her get kidnapped or killed

that would not only break my heart but her mom and dad's even more

i want my princess back, safe her in my arms

why would she run away? was she kidnapped? is she still alive? is she safe?

those question never left my head

the only thing i could think about is her

Y/N pov

 i woke up with a pretty good feeling

i was laying down in my bed, looking at the city that was slowly waking up to

i loved this view so much that i missed it to hard

i was happy that i was home but i miss him

i miss tom

i don't know what to do

but i can't go back, there is just no way in hell that i would go back

i am not a dog that he can keep and shout at whenever he feels like it

didn't he had to protect me from a dude named Antonio?

guess not, anyways

the only thing i was thinking about it: "what would he be doing right now?"

looking for me or not?

i snapped out of my thoughts and got up to make breakfast

my slow days playlist was playing in the background

it was a vibe

mell had to go to class and after that she would take a shift at the restaurant she works at

so i was left, home alone

i quiet enjoyed the peace

i wanted to be here, at home right? then why do i keep on feeling like i should be there with him and not here?

i took a shower, a long hot one, after cleaning up the dishes

i did some work and decided to take a coffee at dylan's shop

i put on an outfit and made my way outside to the shop

once i got there, i took place at a small table next to the window and took out my phone

i thought my mom or dad would have send me a text like they do al the time

they didn't react to my texts anymore, why?

a few minutes later, dylan came over to me and gave me a big hug

"omg i missed you so much, where have you been? its been weeks!"

"its a long story that i will tell you another time, okay?" i gave him a small smile

he nodded

i ordered and waited until i got it

once i got it, i made my way to my apartment

why do i feel eyes on me?

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