part 4

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i woke up in a really comfy bed, it didn't felt like mine


 i opened my eyes and looked around, i was not in my room

i got up and started looking around the room, it was huge and very very clean

most of the furniture is white 

there was a big tv hanging up the wall with a big couch in front of it

the bed was for sure a kind size on

the bathroom had a big walk in shower, big bath,....

everything was just HUGE

i took a look out of the window and saw many men in black suits with guns standing outside all around the house i was in, 2 by the big gate

where the hell am i?

i heard footsteps coming close the the door, i was getting slightly scared

then the door opened and a man with black braids, strong build, dressed with style and a lip piercing walked in

"your awake, thats good" he said in a low voice

i was ngl, he was handsome

no Y/N focus, you don't know this man

" i asked, in a bit of an attitude

i wanted that this man knew that i was not a person to mess with

he just stood there, arms crossed over his chest making him look like he had all the power in the world

he prob has

"are you gonna answer my question or are you just gonna stand there? perv"

i said the 'prev' in a low tone, hoping he wouldn't hear it

he looked like he was a man to not make mad

and yet i was gonna make him mad, just checking the waters you know

"what was that princess?" his tone in voice was getting a bit more hash, i was getting on his nerves


"don't call me that, i am NOT your princess"

he smirked

he started walking up to me, i stubbled back a bit until my back hits the big window

"you should do something about that attitude or i will"

"ow yea? what are you gonna do" not even 1 sec after i said that, he grabbed my arms

his grip was hard, it was gonna leave a bruise for sure

"don't make me say it twice" his jaw clench

god this man was hot

i nodded my head, not wanting to make him even more irritated than i already have done

his grip left my arm, it looked red but the look in his eyes didn't seem to care 

he left the room, slammed the door closed

okay well...lesson 1, don't fuck with that man

then it hits me, i was not wearing the clothes that was wearing yesterday


i started looking around for my clothes, nothing

then i found a door in the room, i opened it and it let to a big dressing

this room is sick

and i saw that all my clothing was hanging here, and all my shoes

even more

all in my size and the colors i like

but how?

i looked around in the dressing a bit more

it still felt weird that i was here

the only thing i remember before waking up was that 2 men followed me and then i walked into a death end, 1 men in front of me, i turned around and everything went black

not to forget to mention, my head hurts like shit

that man had hit my head pretty damn hard

i put on a jeans and a crop top that i found in the dressing

i opened the door of the room, he didn't locked it so technically i was allowed to leave the room

and besides who is gonna tell me to not too

once i opened the door, i couldn't hear any voices

it was so quiet, it felt weird (you know those silences that just feel weird, those once)

i walked down the big stairs and walked to the kitchen i assumed

it was an open kitchen

there was a sliding door next to the kitchen, i opened it and saw that it let to the living room i think

after a few more minutes later off 'exploring' i heard someone talking on a phone 

bc there was no respons when the man's voice talked, otherwise it would be very lonely

"you are a nosy one aren't you?" again a low voice spoke

i recognized the sound, it was him

"i wouldn't say nosy" i answered again in a slight attitude

"what would you call it then?" he answered back, not with a lot of emotion

damn this man was cold asf

"i would say...curious"

"and why are you so curious if i may ask"

"well i am locked up in a house, i don't know who you are and i don't fucking know what i am doing here and what you want from me. Thats why" my tone was getting bitchier and bitchier

again i saw his jaw clench

i looked him in the eyes, there was a short eye contact

i don't know whats gonna happen next so this will be the end for this part 

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