Chapter Four

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It was about a week ago when Kai and Cardy started their long train ride to Suikoku, the northern country of the eastern continent of Nihon, across the ancient Poseidon Ocean on the other side of the Hikari Kingdom. The first leg of the trip on the western Moku Line was uneventful for both girls, the bullet train speeding across the grassy eastern fields of Shinkoku before making their way into the Crystal Mountains of the Hikari Kingdom. Both Kai and Cardy enjoyed their cushy big first class seats, giant chairs that recline back for sleeping, with nice big tray tables for Cardy to spread her electronics and for Kai's array of food and snacks. When night fell between the border of the Shinkoku fields and the Crystal Mountains, the girls tried to sleep. However Cardy did have to put on some headphones over her ears because of Kai's awkward snoring on the ride.

Cardy and Kai woke up to the train pulling into the Central Royal Station in the Crystal Capital of Hikari. The two groggy girls helped each other off the train, meeting up Midori on the platform since she had been in the coach section of the train. The two say their goodbyes to Midori as they part ways in the train station. Cardy and Kai made their way to the Blue Mizu Line on the eastern section of the grand train station, making their way through the crowds along the white marble floors with light beaming down cerulean blue crystal arched ceilings. The two girls kept up with each other, passing by the many shops and restaurants on the way to the Mizu Line platform.

Their tickets and passports were quickly approved, and Cardy and Kai finally passed through the Mizu gate and made their way to the platform. However, Cardy noticed that Kai seemed quietly focused on getting to their gate without distraction. When they found a bench to wait for their train, Cardy slipped away and brought back coffees and egg sandwiches for the both of them.

"What's this for?" Kai responded, with a slight distrust but still took the drink and the sandwich from Cardy.

"You seem a little too focused on this trip, so I thought I would bring a peace offering," Cardy tells her. "Also I hardly slept last night on the train with your snoring."

"Sorry," Kai apologized, taking a sip of the coffee. "MMM, caramel mocha. You remembered my usual."

"Curse of my eidetic memory," Cardy tells her. "But Astrea's not here. So if there's anything you need to talk about, you're stuck with me until we get to Suikoku and you can confess to your boyfriend instead."

"Hiroshi-kun is not my boyfriend," Kai says without turning her face to Cardy. "And I suppose I always get nervous before this leg of the trip."

"Is it the shiroki tracks over the water? I've heard they're actually super safe for the SJC's work," Cardy replies.

"No it's not that," Kai answers. "I suppose it's my Ha-Ha-ue."

"Your birth mother?" Cardy asks. "Last time I checked, you haven't seen her in years. Why should you care about her?"

"I don't," Kai says. "And I know my sister and I are protected by the Fushichou family after what she tried to do, but I suppose I feel like every time I come back to my home, there's always a small chance I'll run into her and I will be filled up with so much rage I'll just take the Dragon Blade and skewer her through the gut."

"Hmm, from what I've heard about that, I don't blame you." Cardy replies. "From my experience, just because someone birthed you and shares DNA with you, doesn't mean you have to love them.

"I've noticed you never talk about your parents here in Hikari," Kai says. "I can only assume you feel something similar to them."

Cardy just shrugs. "It's hard to care about people that have never cared about me in return," she explains. "And it's been years since I've had to rely on them financially..."

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