No matter what, they were always the cause of calamity.
It didn't matter where, it was always them. Yet they always stayed best friends.
Through thick and thin, they kept on with their adventures, it was only a choice they kept on making.
June, 11th
Anne's 13th birthday,
The day went by just as quickly as it started. It was normal at first, Anne's mom wished her a happy birthday and gave her a snack and some lunch. She left the house and grabbed her bike. Anne was honestly so excited, Sasha and Marcy were sure to have something fun in store! She set off to school, only stopping one time to go pet a cute cat and almost get run over. She parked her bike and quickly locked it up.
'Hey Boobchuy, whatcha got there?'
"It's a Khai Pad, my mother made it for me 'cause it's mah birthday."
"Well happy birthday, now gimme that!"
The girl tackled Anne, attempting to get the wonderful Thai foodie goodness. Anne pushed her off, saying something about getting her own Thai mom. She quickly walked away from the bully, entering the building to meet up with her best friends.
A blonde haired girl was leaning on her locker talking to a raven headed girl. The blonde was named Sasha whilst the raven haired girl was Marcy.
'So anyways MarMar,-' Sasha edged her story on as Anne approached them.
"Oh look, hello lovebirds," Anne teased before going to kiss Marcy's hand, "M'lady MarMar, your love has been requested." She finished her sentence, mimicking the heroine's proposal to the princess in Marcy's favorite game. 'Aww, I accept Lady Anna Banana!' Marcy exclaimed, finishing up the dialogue.
'Look who's the lovebirds now~' Sasha joked, chuckling to herself. "Eh, Still you two," Anne shrugged. 'How about all three of us?' Marcy suggested. Sasha and Anne looked at each other before nodding, that was something about them, no matter what they were totally just friends.
The bell rang and soon enough Sasha and Anne had to depart from Marcy. They all basically have the same schedule except Sasha and Anne have Biology whilst Marcy has Writing at the beginning of school. The two classes were extracurricular classes for extra grades but you had to pick between them. And Marcy would've loved to be with them, except she wanted advice for her webtoon in the making.
Of course, frog dissection day was on her birthday! She enjoyed the study of amphibians sure but why dissect them?
Sasha looked at Anne's disgusted face, an all-knowing smirk came across her lips before she raised her hand.
'Miss! Anne isn't looking that well, may I take her to the nurse?'
"Yes you can, Sasha."
'Alright, thanks!'
Sasha grabbed Anne's hand before dragging her out the classroom.
"Yo Sash, sickroom's here!"
'Ok but hear me out, how about we skip school?'
'I said hear me out, it's your birthday and I have decided that it should be absolutely amazing!'
"But Sash,"
'Please Anne! It'll be amazing! Please!'
"Fine but I need to be home at six ok?"
'Yes yes yes! You won't regret this Boonchuy!'
"I already am,"
Like narrated as before, the day seemed to rush by. They had fun together sure, but at what cost. Anne was nervous as the time edged closer to six, causing her to not really return the same feeling of freedom and joy that Sasha had plastered on her face. To be completely honest, Anne felt both nervous and warm. And the warm feeling wasn't lukewarm or fake, it was pure warmth. She felt it around both Marcy and Sasha, sometimes her heart would just race at the sight of the two smiling.
The clock in the cafe's clock ticked on and on as the minutes went by. Sasha was texting Marcy and Anne was scrolling through cat memes and videos. Soon enough she got a notification from her mom, reminding her of her curfew of 6:00. It was around 5:37 so she had enough time to get home. She stood up and started to inform Sasha that she had to go.
'Aww c'mon' Sasha complained, 'balloon animals, party hats, and let me guess, a clown?' She gave Anne an expecting glance.
"I know it sounds cringy but please, my parents have been planning this for a while and they love these."
'C'mon, hang out with your friends that love you'
"Sasha, I'd really like too but-"
'Anne, this isn't cute anymore, we're meeting up with Marcy right now, end of discussion.'
"Ok I guess."
Marcy, Anne and Sasha looked out into the thrift store window, spotting the gift that Marcy joked about for Anne. Sasha looked at the two girls before deciding to speak up.
'Go on Anne! You can get this!'
"I don't have any money on me though,"
'Just shoplift then.'
'I agree with Sash, Anne I know it seems wrong but if you look at it in a certain way, it's ok-ish'
"It's illegal"
'Just go and take it'
"Fine but if we get caught, I'm blaming you."
'Ok just go!'
Anne went into the store, grabbed the box and stuffed it in her backpack. She looked to the side to see Sasha and Marcy giving her a thumbs up. She left the store and went back to her friends.
"I have it, now let's go home,"
'Aren't you curious about what's inside of it?'
'I am!'
"Well I'm not!"
'C'mon Anne please, we can just go to the park near your house and open it there!'
'Yeah please!'
Marcy and Sasha both squealed and hugged Anne, causing the blood to rush to her cheeks.
The trio sat down at a bench in the park, waiting for Anne to get it out and open it to reveal whatever it may hide.
"Ready?" Anne asked nervously, digging her nails into her skin. It was a habit of hers and Marcy's whenever they were nervous.
"Ok then!"
The box was creaked open, light spilled out of it.
Light fled Anne's vision as she awoke, a giant bug soaring right above her, blocking said light. Where was she?
The Swap of Wit, Strength, and Heart
Hayran KurguWhat happens when each attributes of our main characters are switched? Anne-Wit Sasha-Heart Marcy-Strength