04. hickey

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this chapter is really yk

couple months later

(grace's pov)

i really really like maya and i know she likes me back for sure. i can see her smirking at me all the time and she does things to me on purpose, like she is right now. i was trying to reach for a glass at her house, and she came up right behind me and grabbed my waist.

"let me," she said, pulling me back.

she gets up on the counter and reaches the glass. she stays like that for a good second. i turn away as my face was red, she was so close to me.

"do i not get a thank you?" she asked, sitting on the counter top.

"t-thank you, maya," i said, after turning around.

she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me in.

"welcome, darling," she said, kissing my cheek and walking away.

i stood there in shock for about seven minutes and i wasn't even thirsty anymore. i put the glass on the counter and walk back to maya's room, flopping onto her bed.

"you were gone for so long, did you— maya no!" i interrupt.

"hey! just asking," she said.

"maya! i don't do stuff like that!" i exclaim.

"good, only i'm allowed to," she said, smirking.

"maya!" i yell, burying my face on her bed.

"maybe next time you yell that is when ur tied to my headboard," she said.

she slightly chuckled after that and went out of the room. i laid there trying to catch my breath, processing what she said. just to tease her too so i could get back at her, i walk out to the couch, where she was.

"why don't you make that next time right now?" i ask, winking.

her eyes widen as i walk over to her and kiss her. she runs her hand over my back as i break the kiss and move down to her neck. she grips my hair as i kiss her neck, grazing my fingers on her skin under her hoodie.

"oops, my mom told me to get home by dinner," i said, getting up.

i looked down at her to see her catching her breath. there was lipstick all over her face and neck, her hair was all messed up, and i blush at the small hickey i created. i wink at her before look in the front mirror and fixing myself. i look back at her to see her still laying there, panting. i grin at myself before walking out the door, and i see ms. hart walking back in. oh maya's in for it.

i walk back home and now we were all eating dinner. i heard the doorbell ring and i told them that i'd go get it. i opened the door to see maya standing there.

"what the hell!" she said, pointing at her hickey.

"oh yeah, isn't it so pretty?" i ask, smirking.

"yeah but i think your parents would love to see your hickey," she said, smirking too.

"i don't have one," i say, laughing.

she pushes me against the brick wall and pins my hands on my thighs. she pushes my hair behind my neck before leaning in. i try to pull my arms away, but she was actually pretty strong. i held in every sound i wanted to make until she pulled away. she takes a picture of my neck and when i look at it, i was shocked. there was a huge purple bruise on the side of my neck which would definitely be visible.

"have fun love," she said, before taking off.

"grace!" taylor yelled.

"c-coming mom," i yell back, embarrassed.

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