05. date

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[three weeks later]

(graves pov)

"freedom, here i come. how i've missed you, my dear friend," i say dramatically, as soon as i woke up.

the past three wells have been hell. i go to school and come back and go to school and come back and go to school and you get it. maya asked me to go on a date with her and somehow my parents agreed, which was a real shocker.

"mom, date day. mom, date day. mom," i continue, as i went downstairs.

"grace, not until you finish your homework. grace, not until you finish your homework," she said, mimicking me.

"what homework?" i ask,"innocently".

"don't even try . you're not going anywhere until you finish your math homework and write your history essay and i check over them," she says, putting a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"remember you asked to go to the studio from 12 to 2 pm. so you have about two hours now, cause you need to get out of the house at 11 to be at the studio at 12. and your date is at 7 and you need to get ready and we need to go over rules, so you have about two hours once you come home," she adds, running over my schedule for the day.

i really wanted to be a singer, not cause my mom is one, but i just love to sing and i want to do it for the rest of my life. and mom's pretty supportive but she won't let me quit high school to pursue it. she says once i finish high school she'll help me as much as i want.

once i finished eating, i decided to work on my math homework cause i hate that more than civics. it was only three pages, but it took forever to do. it wasn't really hard, it was more of repetitive and tedious. but i finished it with just enough time to take a bath before going to the studio. mom said she'd look over my work while i go do that.

i decided to wear maya's hoodie that she left here before i got grounded. since i didn't wear it much, it still had her smell on it, which was comforting. and cause it was cold, i opted for sweatpants instead of shorts. i put my hair up in a pony tail and didn't bother touching my make up. once i went downstairs, mom was already dressed up and ready to go.

"we'll stop at chipotle or something to get you lunch," she said.

since she didn't bring up anything about math, that probably means i did fine, so that's good. i follow mom to the car and looked through the window until we got to chipotle. after i ordered food, mom said i had to eat first. once i did, we both went inside and mom stayed inside cause an adult had to be there with me.

i was probably tired cause next thing i know, mom was waking me up and i was on my bed. i looked at her confused as i got up.

"you fell asleep in the car, it's almost time for your date. but you better finish your homework tomorrow," she said, following me into the closet.

"mom, what should i wear?" i ask.

she picks out a pretty yellow dress which wasn't too fancy but more than casual.

"mom, is it okay if i don't wear a dress, i wanna wear something more you know," i ask, always being familiar with women wearing dresses, but me not wanting to.

"of course, sunshine," she said, moving away from my dress section.

"wear these," she said, handing me black dress pants, while rummaging through my shirts.

"this would be great," she said, handing me a white dress shirt and a sleeveless black sweater.

and she was right, it looked really good together, it would also keep me warm. she also handed me a jacket, but i didn't understand why.

"you will soon," she said, grinning.

i went for a simple look, so i left my hair down and minimal make up. i put on a couple rings, a necklace, and a pair of stud earrings. i went downstairs and stood right by the door waiting for maya to come. after about twenty minutes of waiting, i groan and sit against the wall.

"gosh you're impatient, it's been four minutes, and it's not even seven yet," dad said, chuckling.

exactly at 7:07 i heard a knock on the door and scrambled up, pulling open the door. of course i pushed my parents back upstairs before. i opened the door and maya was standing there wearing a purple dress. the dress dipped down a little and was up to her thighs. it was short sleeves and she was wearing matching heels. but even with those on, she was still about five inches shorter than me.

"you look beautiful," i compliment.

"i know," she responded, with a smug smile, while fixing my necklace.

i heard footsteps down the stairs so i quickly pulled her out the door and closed it, before mom and dad could come over.

"where are we going?" i ask her.

"just dinner. your parents said you have to go home by nine so. it's really close by so we can walk too,"

she was right, it was a four minute walk but it was packed. she luckily booked a reservation for us, so we didn't have much of a wait. maya ordered shrimp pasta and i decided to order mac and cheese which maya called "toddler food."

"maya i don't want the broccoli, they put broccoli on the side," i whine, picking at it.

"it's okay just eat it," she said, laughing.

"no, maya, i don't want it," i say.

she grabs her fork and puts them into her plate instead.

"better?" she asks.

"much better, thank you," i say, eating my food.

as we were walking, we decided to sit down on the grass and look at the stars. it was only 8:30 so we still had time. just as i was mentally cursing my mom for making me carry a jacket for no reason, i looked over and saw maya shivering. then i realized why my mom made me take it. i take the jacket and wrap it around maya.

she looked over at me, smiling. she brought it closer to her as she stopped shivering as much. she leaned into me and we stayed like that until we realized that it was almost nine pm.

"i'll walk you come, c'mon," i say, pulling her up.

once we reach her house, she goes inside and i turn around.

"wait," i hear her call out.

i turn around and see her running at me with full force. she jumps onto me as i grab her, so she doesn't fall. she smashes her lips against mine while wrapping her arms around me. before i got time to respond, she pulled away and smirked at me. she walked back inside as i walked home.

i went inside and saw mom and dad waiting in the living room. dad's eyes widened as he looked at me. did maya leave another hickey? oh god.

"you should go umm wash up," mom said, trying to hold in her laughter.

i walk into my bathroom, confused, until i looked in the mirror. lipstick was smudged onto my face. fuck you maya.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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